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A. Back in the Game I will never forget the night in 1946 when disaster(灾难) and difficulty visited our home. My brother,Gorge, came home from football practice and fell ill with temperature of 40C. After an examination, the doctor informed us that it was polio(小儿麻痹症). Polio was well_known in Webster Groves, Missouri, having killed and crippled(使残废)many children there. The doctor felt(义容辞的)to inform George of the terrible truth. I hate to tell you this, son he said, but the polio is so bad that you will probably never walk again without a limp(跛行), and your left arm will useless. George had always pictured himself as a championship wrestler(摔跤冠军)in his senior year after just missing it as a junior. Barely able to speak, George whispered: Doctor... “Yes,” said the doctor leaning(倾斜)over the bed. “What is it, my boy?” Go to hell(去见鬼吧)said.George in a voice filled with determination. The doctor seemed shocked, but you see, Mom and Dad taught us that just like you would never like someone else come into with an ax ane break up your furniture, you should let a damaging thought come into your mind and break up your dreams. The next day, the nurse walked into Georges room to find him lying flat on his face on the floor. Whats going on here? asked the shocked nurse. Im walking. George calmly replied. Sometimes it would take George 20 minutes just to get out of the chair, but he refuses any offers of help. I remembered seeing him lift a tennis ball with much effort as.a healthy man would need to lift a 100_pound barbell(杠铃) I also remembered seeing him, six months later, step out on the mat as captain of the wrestling team.Georges return from the horrible effects of polio was written on the newspapers all over the state of Missouri. No one had ever been known to recover so quickly or so completely from this disease. He had through hell and he came out of it with a soul as strong as steel. 1. When the d


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