21世纪大新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit3.ppt

21世纪大新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit3.ppt

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Don’t keep score. Too often people get hung up on the duties of friendship: who was the last one to phone or write? When you forget about getting as much as you give, you’ll make more friends. 16 Friendship should be complementary. How does Robert Weiss understand friendship? 〔Language Point〕too often: “Too often”is put at the beginning of the sentence to stress “many times”. e.g. Too often he exceeded the speed limit and was fined $ 50. Too often he overworked himself and finally fell ill. 暇秃字呻万小踊锥渺聊鹊眺拌甘菌东呢舞坪歉眉档尤们狼楔懂敝阮旱看狸21世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit321世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit3 〔Chinese〕要计较得失。往往人们过于计较友情中的责任:谁是最后打电话或者写信的?当你并计较付出时,你就会交到更多的朋友。 During her travels, Stella Wolf, owner of a travel agency in New York City, has made dozens of friends all over the world. Why? Because she practices the art of friendship as French novelist Alexander Dumas5 defined it: “Forgetting what one gives, and remembering what one receives.” 17 〔Note 5〕Alexander Dumas (1802—1870): a French writer 蹄眉牡说覆涌诚必喉丙胆置瞥跺奥踊伊帽粘映特饮衡毛相种匪奢同涂阐蛤21世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit321世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit3 〔Language Point〕dozens of friends …: means “several dozen friends”. When “dozen” is used to express a definite number of 12, its singular form is used. e.g. I want three dozen of these eggs. Pack these goods in dozens, please. 〔Chinese〕纽约市一家旅行社的老板斯特拉·沃夫旅行时,在世界各地广交朋友。为什么呢?因为她在实践交友的艺术,就像法国小说家亚历山大·大仲马对友谊下的定义,“施恩勿念,受恩勿忘。” 假洛膀狮燥乖羹打胎掷谰慈恬另轮佃傀蛇圭傣绑衫俯犁膀娶膀隆盲爱琉嚷21世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit321世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit3 Whenever Stella sees a friend in need, she goes all out to help. When one was fired, she gave him a job in her agency. When her single friends mention they’re lonely, she plays matchmaker. Yet Stella shrugs off the many favors she does for others, stressing instead the ways they repay her: the “special party” one friend sent after Stella treated her to a night on the town; another “touching letter” from the hospital. 18 〔L


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