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Project 2.3 Linear and Nonlinear Systems线性和非线性系统: 假定系统为: (2.1) 用程序仿真该系统,输入三个同的输入序列,和计算并求出相应的输出相应,, A copy of Program P2_3 is given below: Insert program code here. Copy from m-file(s) and paste. % Generate the input sequences clf; n = 0:40; a = 2;b = -3; x1 = cos(2*pi*0.1*n); x2 = cos(2*pi*0.4*n); x = a*x1 + b*x2; num = [2.2403 2.4908 2.2403]; den = [1 -0.4 0.75]; ic = [0 0]; % Set zero initial conditions y1 = filter(num,den,x1,ic); % Compute the output y1[n] y2 = filter(num,den,x2,ic); % Compute the output y2[n] y = filter(num,den,x,ic); % Compute the output y[n] yt = a*y1 + b*y2; d = y - yt; % Compute the difference output d[n] % Plot the outputs and the difference signal subplot(3,1,1) stem(n,y); ylabel(Amplitude); title(Output Due to Weighted Input: a \cdot x_{1}[n] + b \cdot x_{2}[n]); subplot(3,1,2) stem(n,yt); ylabel(Amplitude); title(Weighted Output: a \cdot y_{1}[n] + b \cdot y_{2}[n]); subplot(3,1,3) stem(n,d); xlabel(Time index n);ylabel(Amplitude); title(Difference Signal); Y = filter(B,A,X) ,输入X为滤波前序列,Y为滤波结果序列,B/A 提供滤波器系数,B为分子, A为分母 Answers: Q2.7 The outputs y[n], obtained with weighted input, and yt[n], obtained by combining the two outputs y1[n] and y2[n] with the same weights, are shown below along with the difference between the two signals:运行程序P2_3.m,将由加权输入得到的与进行比较,是在相同权系数下输出和相加得到的。这两个序列和他们的差异显示如下: Insert MATLAB figure(s) here. Copy from figure window(s) and paste. 两个序列是否相等? 答:相等 该系统是否是线性系统? 答:是线性系统 Q2.8 Program P2_3 was run for the following three different sets of values of the weighting constants, a and b, and the following three different sets of input frequencies:用一组同的权系数a和b的值以及一组同的输入频率重做习题Q2.7,将结果显示如下: The plots generated for each of the above three cases are shown below:将a和b及x1、x2分别改为a = 5;b = -10;x1 = cos(2*pi*0.2*n);x2 = cos(2*pi*0.8*n); Insert MATLAB figure(s) here. Copy from figure window(s) and paste. Based on these plots we can conclude that the system with differ



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