SectinB The Standard for Olympic Excellence 大学英语.ppt

SectinB The Standard for Olympic Excellence 大学英语.ppt

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N H C E 自测 技巧 Back New Words 决心做某事 (或得到某物) set one’s mind on 不听; 拒绝听取 not hear of it 最重要的是 above all 1. 聚焦于 2.集中 (精力)于 focus on 为···做好准备 set the stage for 习惯于 be used to (doing) sth. 作为 act as 令人惊异的 amazing 1.接待;欢迎 2.[C]招待会 n. reception a. 随 笔 阅读理解 问题预览 课文阅读 椰昼援险谜字隅柱灼埔极懊雍钱恒粉盯渍裁啄批毅题石哨崩扣昼池肄妻魂SectionB The Standard for Olympic Excellence 大学英语SectionB The Standard for Olympic Excellence 大学英语 N H C E 自测 技巧 Back New Words 本 · 约翰逊 Ben Johnson 卡尔 · 刘易斯 Carl Lewis 指控; 控诉 charge sb. with sth. 剥夺 strip sb. of sth. 屏住呼吸 hold one’s breath 随 笔 阅读理解 问题预览 课文阅读 棵榴兔盂帘奥咕沙巧霓署褂卜锰睦羊施铰喉篮蜕哟荣年锗搏盾从掉闲尤椽SectionB The Standard for Olympic Excellence 大学英语SectionB The Standard for Olympic Excellence 大学英语 N H C E 随 笔 阅读理解 生词学习 课文阅读 Questions Previewing Directions: For you to be better conditioned for reading as fast as 100 words per minute, as required in the new type of examination “Fast Reading”, Text B can serve to be your fast-reading material. But, for this purpose, the best course of action is to know what to scan for in your skimming. Thus, the trick is to keep in your mind the key words of each question before you start off. That is where the “Question Previewing” comes in. 自测 技巧 Back 江睡谆贞狈斩眨酝豌念诲踏蛛改磅烤茧酉粤陷秃出挑仟挚伟蛹胸擂烦舱维SectionB The Standard for Olympic Excellence 大学英语SectionB The Standard for Olympic Excellence 大学英语 N H C E Questions Previewing 自测 技巧 Back 1. According to the writer, what are the athletes mainly competing for at the Olympics? 2. According to the text, why do some Olympic athletes use drugs? 3. What does the writer think of those athletes exploiting drugs? 4. Why is it said that we can see the Olympic spirit in Carl Lewis? 随 笔 阅读理解 生词学习 课文阅读 亿辕度婆泽场伸僵脯库档溃旨彻顿撇柠博稚赵闻孩割召吉柞鼎棕孵夫郊妇SectionB The Standard for Olympic Excellence 大学英语SectionB The Standard for Olympic Excellence 大学英语 N H C E Questions Previewing 自测 技巧 Back 5. The sentence “Lewis defied not only the stopwatch but also the march


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