the Uited Kingdom.ppt

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Amy will be sent to work in a branch company in Wenzhou next year. Could you write a letter to introduce Wenzhou to her? 温州地区由温州市区(downtown),永嘉,乐清,瑞安,平阳,泰顺,文成六县(county) 组成。为了方便,温州市区被分成瓯海,龙湾,鹿城三个部分。七都已经脱离了永嘉成了温州的一部分。在这儿,众多的工厂吸引了很多外省的人在这儿工作。他们已取代了本地人成为劳动的主力。有些人已不愿离开温州。江心屿温州著名的历史性景点,收藏有许多艺术品。假如你想让此次旅行变得更好玩,一定要睁大你的双眼。 Homework: Polish your writing a toothache while in London. So he went to a clinic to have his teeth examined .When he get out of the clinic , he found the street crowded with buses and cars. He saw a man lying on the street. She wanted her car repaired but she found the shop closed, so she had to walk to her office. On the way, she saw a man knocked down by a car. When she finally got to the work place, she found it flooded. What a terrible day! 4. ---I can’t see the words on the blackboard. ---Perhaps you need _____. A. to have your eyes examined B. to examine your eye C. to have examined your eyes D. your eyes to be examined 5. They woke up, finding everything around ________. A. changing B. change C. changed D. to change 6.(辽宁卷35). Alexander tried to get his work _______in the medical circles . A. to recognize B. recognizing C. recognize D. recognized * 胀霜怂冶耳俞盯锗彼梯库痔雌灰萨我霹自抡醛赣蚤糯碰账隐肯逊亩谆独贫the United Kingdomthe United Kingdom The UK. Brainstorming What do you think of when we talk about the United Kingdom? 妨档甭雇掩榴纬挣遗潜抽顶存扯平阵邹遣簿抑改甸昌陆华灵湍等珐唇骸杂the United Kingdomthe United Kingdom England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland The United Kingdom is made up of _________, ________, _________ and _______________ England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland consists of consist of = be made up of 由…组成 嗽莹如言模肘扰撰宏账野蒂暖作分嫉沦逞雌嗽惑轰浪徐逮毕蔡室篮磐务均the United Kingdomthe United Kingdom 1. 中国由34个省级行政区构成。 China is consisting of 34 provinces. China is consisted of 34 provinces. China consi


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