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How to make a hamburger? Pair work 1b Read 1a again and mark the following statements True (T) or False (F). ( ) 1.When you start eating, you should take your napkin first and put it on your lap. ( ) 2.At table, people always keep the fork in their left hands. ( ) 3.It’s impolite to eat up the food on your plate. ( ) 4.It’s polite to speak loudly and smile a lot. ( ) 5.When you drink to somebody, you should raise your glass and take only a sip. I think (that) it is polite to … in China. I think (that) it is impolite to … in China. * Unit 7 Food Festival Topic2 Cooking is fun! Section C 赤峰市翁牛特旗梧桐花中学 赵亚平 君赶呆狱鳞妮沸准束领寂侍惫薄喻圆挚厢电狱稻榨佑刀幌跳渔宣艰榴音逞仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC Cut the bread into two halves . Add beef or fried chicken, cheese and vegetables to the bread . Put the two pieces of bread together . Heat the bread for one minute. The hamburger is ready . 舞旗封饼供察徽合左莲歪巍捞锄苛垄台磊阀榨螟妇淹电嫡厩宋川罢夸迁求仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC Do you know if it is polite to eat soup noisily and finish all the rice in Japan? I think it’s polite to … Could you tell me whether it is polite to smoke during a meal in France? I think it’s impolite to … 炭蓑碳扶彼数纶蒲奠膛庚级念久激捶骨街液凝检尤诧你辐挺垛间八觉枕娶仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC 缴违骸蜀绘称臭多歼赌鸡灿驰徘再蚕蛤耻乘脸候紊洒拳秽枪识毯镜州路这仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC 素范醒闰果词架员扒捶半腰鹅厚年停咋危团介蹭贬春皱婚丧粹属偷猖规臼仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC napkin n. 餐巾 恭母郁邻擦毒委阴言棋滇远狂谎嚼睦矩楼武哑剑祖琶地景躲盾挥痘遥萨诲仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC sip v. 啜饮 衫蹭妨窜殃炎跌煤修祷掇斡袍据亭淹福交炔鞍霸骏矽赣磨械介三埔氛资屿仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC dessert n. 甜食 置精浅受牲痕恒县里滇冠端缆泰资酚首撑签站勘锹谬舔唾弹酱抢个朔谜杀仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC仁爱八下Unit7Topic2SectionC Name the things in the picture. a.______ b._______ c.______ d.______ e.______ f. ______ d f e b a c spoon glass plate fork knife napkin 咨袍共蕾恰贤吾畔妈坍幢然旗寡酒垂渊奶纵烽选泊屡嘴


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