visitng travel agency apply for__ visa ppt.ppt

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visiting travel agency vocabulary 旅行社 travel agency 旅行代理人 travel agent 导游 guide 地陪 local guide 全陪 national guide 旅游路线 sightseeing route 旅游线路 itinerary 旅游手册 travel brochure 观光旅游 sightseeing trip 有导游的旅游 guided / conducted tour 城市游 city tour 乡下游 country tour 自然景观游 natural scenery tour 乘游览车旅游 coach tour 巴士旅游 bus tour 游船 boat cruise Useful expressions For travel agents: Is there anything that I can do for you? What can I do for you? 有什么事我能为您效劳吗? What places do you want to see in particular? 有没有您特别想去的地方? Where would you like to go? 您想去哪里? Thank you for your interest in our programs. 谢谢您对我们的旅游项目感兴趣。 We arrange two kinds of tourist programs for Suzhou: a six-day tour by train and a five-day flying journey. 苏州的旅游项目有两种:火车往返六日游和飞机往返五日游。 We have two tours each week, leaving Monday and Wednesday mornings. 我们每星期出团两次,每周一和周三早上出发。 Here are some brochures. They can give you more information. 这儿有些小册子,它们能给您提供更详尽的说明。 The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only $1099. 十日游每人只要1099美元。 It’s a four-star hotel with two restaurants and a swimming pool. 它是一家四星级旅馆,有两个餐厅和一个游泳池。 Breakfast and dinner are included in the price I gave you. 我报给您的费用包括早餐和晚餐。 You can give me a call after you make your choice. 您做出决定后可以给我打个电话。 If there is something I could help, just call me, please. 如果需要我帮忙,请给我打电话。 For tourists: I’m going to take a trip abroad. 我准备到国外旅行。 I’d like to go to Suzhou. 我想去苏州。 I’d like to see some of your brochures. I’m planning to take a trip. 我想看看你们的宣传册。我打算去旅行。 Would you please tell me something about the city? 你能告诉我有关这个城市的一些情况吗? That sounds wonderful / nice. 听起来不错。 What is the cost of the tour? 这趟旅行费用要多少? It sounds reasonable. 听起来挺合理的。 How long does a one-day tour take? 这种一日游要花多长时间? Task Make a conversation: Suppose you are a tourist and your partner is a travel agent. Please make a conversation in which you want to find the information about your trip. Example A: What can I do for you, sir? B: I’d like to take a trip to Suzhou. A: Well, we arrange two


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