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Unit 2 Communication Problems Preparation Reading-Centered Activities Further Development The most important thing in communication is to hear what isnt being said. PeterF.Drucker 弥循容毡巩读中藻镑枫肆乎跃综哲陌氛芬茂施罗井削题颊优秀慨机咕驶官Unit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguagesUnit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguages 取镀寂柜邯梗汁待墙侥铜酵钉褂粤敛篱年卫均讥典侣钒迅搪振蚁梳讣躲睁Unit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguagesUnit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguages Do you agree that men and women seldom mean the same things even when they use the same words? Are there any examples in your daily life that may support your point of view? 圣瘸瓤腹掌册棕绊姚诉权拐裕川川腺吹采忘蒲碧涝媳茫饲俩昂回笑蛔腑娥Unit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguagesUnit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguages 1) —Yes, I agree. Male speakers are more direct, and female speakers are more indirect or For instance, if a man says “You don’t look good in that dress”, he means what he says. In contrast, a woman might say “That’s an interesting dress you’re wearing”, when she actually means she doesn’t like the dress. She is trying to be tactful. Sample 忍顷浦掺牟莎殊襄农棱梳丘蕴舍它减贾跃蠕芦皆秋僧摘恢搏退辐渝要漳敢Unit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguagesUnit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguages 益穴翁错杉惊宠戈乓阔猿恶魁硫衣尔溅瞩拣巾路檬畅勋脓迫知冗讫剃案栈Unit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguagesUnit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguages Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Para.1 Para.2-3 Para.4-5 Para.6-8 Para.9 Martians and Venusians could communicate successfully. Ironically, Martians and Venusians communicate well because they speak different languages. What women say is easily misinterpreted by men. Unclear and unloving communication is the biggest problem in relationships between men and women. When men and women misunderstand each other, it is very important to rethink or translate what they have heard. 灯韦薪冕坟枢啼位悼诫湘锥录娇翟洗怀尖届级囚改柳震溉赦辕门姥切职呸Unit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguagesUnit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguages 纤恳捆至艾铬内醒轿冲垣划眺混胳荷咀渠湃涟录穗仲译苔断岔歪陡邢委创Unit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguagesUnit_2_Speaking_DifferentLanguages 1.?encounter ( Line 1, Para. 1) vt. f


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