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Unit 4 Global WarmingVocabulary Part Oneconsume vt.消费,消耗,吃完 1. Every year Americans consume a high percentage of the world’s energy. 2.She consumed most of her time in reading.consumern.消费者consumptionn.消费,消耗Some of the more time-consuming jobs can now be done by e about发生,造成Can you tell me how the big fire came about?比较come about 要求解释说明事情发生的理由, 常与_______连用。happen 指_______________,具体客观的事物的 发生或出现。take place为按计划进行,举行break out 指________________等的突然发生爆发how偶然的,意外的 战争,火灾,疾病random adj. 胡乱的;任意的?Because he was not listening, he made a random answer to the teacher’s question. 由于他没听讲,他对老师的问题乱答一通。at random= randomly adv. 随机地,任意地randomlyat random=he answered the question__________ /_______ subscribe vt./vi. He subscribed a large sum of money to charities.He subscribed his name to the contract.I subscribe to your opinion completely.I subscribed to a monthly magazine.①捐助②签署③同意④订阅subscribern. 订阅者 ,捐赠者subscriptionn.订阅费,捐赠款{不可数名词quantities of许多的,大量的=a quantity of可数名词复数They aim at quality rather than quantity.A large quantity of beer was sold.A large quantity of paper products are produced in this factory.Large quantities of water are needed for cooling purpose.are There___(be) quantities of apples in the basket and there__(be) a quantity of milk in the bucket.istendencyn. 倾向tend vi.趋于,易于 =to be likely to do sthIt tends to get very cold here in the winter. People in adolescence tend to be accustomed and even addicted to computer gamesThe nurse tended the wounded solider carefully.=have a tendency to do sthVt. 照顾,照料=take care of; look aftergo up vi.1.上升2.被兴建The prices of cigarettes are going up.New office buildings are going up everywhere.导致,造成 result in result from as a result as a result of由于cause ,lead to, bring about ,contribute to所以,因此由于,因为Work stress___________his mental illness. His health is now at risk.The terrible accident______________his carelessness.Tom broke his legs,_________,he was taken to hospital.He was injured_______________a traffic accident.resulted inresulted


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