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第十四单元 商务性口译(汉译英) Unit 14 Interpreting Business Speeches (Chinese-English) Unit 14 Interpreting Business Speeches (C-E) 14-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Trade 14-2:亚洲合作 Asian Cooperation 14-3:外资企业 Foreign-capital Enterprises 14-4:经济关系 Economic Links 14-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Trade 贸易自由化:trade liberalization; 公正地配置资源:allocate resources fairly; 促进生产力发展:expand the productive forces; 多边贸易体制:multilateral trading system; 国际经济新秩序:a new international economic order; 造福人民:benefit all countries; 贸易摩擦/纠纷:trade frictions and disputes; 明智的态度:wise manner; Vocabulary Work 友好协商:friendly consultation; 互利共赢:mutually beneficial and win-win ; 实实在在的利益:tangible economic benefits; 获利丰厚:make a handsome profit; 驰名品牌:famous brand; 零售企业:retailing firms; 不可逆转:irreversible; 互补性:complementarities; 据统计:statistics show that…; Vocabulary Work 劳动密集型:labor intensive products; 低资本产品:low-value products; 自动数据处理:data processing; 家用电器:household electric appliances; 劳动力成本优势:labor cost advantages; 美中贸易逆差:U.S. trade deficit with China; 人民币汇率:RMB exchange rate; 知识产权:intellectual property right; 高瞻远瞩的战略眼光:a strategic perspective of vision and foresight; Vocabulary Work 利益所在:the interest of 奠定坚实的基础:provide a sound and stable climate for 工商业界:business communities 切实有力的措施:forcible policy measures 14-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Trade 在经济全球化不断发展的背景下,贸易自由化问题日益受到人们的关注。 Against the background of growing economic globalization, trade liberalization has captured increasing attention. 建议:注意成语或者习惯用法以及专有名词的翻译。 14-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Trade 正确认识和把握经济全球化和贸易自由化问题,对促进全球经济健康发展具有十分重要的意义。 To put economic globalization and trade liberalization in their right perspective is of great importance to the healthy development of the global economy. 建议:有时候顺着句子的顺序翻译就可以了。 14-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Trade 关键在于要以冷静而明智的态度正确对待和处理摩擦和纠纷。 The key lies in how to cope with these issues correctly in a cool and wise manner. 建议:翻译不影响句子的基本意思。因此,在翻译时,也要注意省略的现象。 14-1:双边贸易 Bilateral Economy and Trade 我们一