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摘要 当今世界已经进入到了后金融危机时期,而受其影响最大的就是我国传统的中小型外贸企业, 出口市场萎缩再加上国内原材料劳动力上涨等因素,导致了这些企业出现了出口下滑、经营亏损等现象,甚至一些企业因资金链断裂而纷纷倒闭。在国际经济大环境恶化、国家宏观政策调整、人民币升值、出口退税率下降等不利因素的影响下,企业的生存面临着严峻考验,中小型外贸企业应积极多方寻求融资、关注远期汇率、实行差别化经营等措施,以适应新环境的变化。近几年,伴随着我国外贸行业的迅猛发展,外贸企业特别是中小型外贸企业间的竞争愈发激烈。中小型外贸企业如何在激烈的市场竞争中占有一席之地,成为各企业等待解决的问题。本文针对我国中小型外贸企业发展中遇到的主要问题,对中小型外贸企业的经营策略进行了具体分析。 关键词: 后金融危机;中小型外贸企业;困难和问题;经营策略 Abstract Todays world has entered into the period after the financial crisis, the traditional China and its greatest impact of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises, export market atrophy plus domestic raw materials, labor prices and other factors, led to the export enterprises have a decline, loss of business phenomenon, and even some enterprises for capital chain rupture and have collapse. In the impact of the international economic environment is deteriorating, the national macroscopic policy adjustment, RMB appreciation, export tax rebate rate and other unfavorable factors, the survival of the enterprise is facing a severe test, the medium and small foreign trade enterprises should actively seek financing, pay attention to the forward rate, the implementation of differentiated business and other measures, in order to adapt to the new environment. In recent years, with the rapid development of Chinas foreign trade, foreign trade enterprises, especially small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises increasingly fierce competition between. Small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises how to occupy a space for one person in the fierce competition in the market, become the urgent problems of the enterprise. In this paper, according to the main problems encountered in development of small foreign trade enterprises in China, the small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprise business strategy specific analysis. [Keywords] After the financial crisis;Small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises;Difficulties and problems;Business strategy 前言 经营略是企业面对激烈变化、严峻战的环境,为求得长期生存和不断发展而进行的总体性谋划


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