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谢谢! they communicate with the sinus venosus sclera and with the anterior chamber at the filtration angle. Some of the fibers of this trabecular tissue are continued into the substance of the iris, forming the pectinate ligament of the iris; while others are connected with the forepart of the sclera and chorioid. Apex of it runs posteriorly to the choroids , the base runs forward and attaches to the junction of cornea and sclera. light must penetrate to the back of the retina before they are stimulated. The rod cells and the cone cells synapse with the bipolar cells, which in turn synapse with ganglion cells that initiate nerve impulses. As signals pass to bipolar cells and ganglion cells, integration occurs. You can prove this to yourself by putting a dot to the right of center on a piece of paper. Use your right hand to move the paper slowly toward your right eye while you look straight ahead. The dot will disappear at one point—this is your blind spot. The lens is a transparent, biconvex body, the convexity of its anterior being less than that of its posterior surface. The central points of these surfaces are termed respectively the anterior and posterior poles; a line connecting the poles constitutes the axis of the lens, while the marginal circumference is termed the equator.???8?Structure.—The lens is made up of soft cortical substance and a firm, central part, the nucleus 房水 --为无色、透明的水样液体 --充满于眼房 --供给角膜的营养及维持眼内压. --由睫状突的毛细血管通过主动转运和弥散形成。 --排出途径,依次经过: ①后房 ②瞳孔 ③前房 ④虹膜角膜角 ⑤巩膜静脉窦 最终通过睫前静脉进入眼静脉。 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 晶状体 --位于虹膜和玻璃体之间。 --为透明的双凸透镜。 无血管、神经,后部凸度较大 --在其赤道部位有悬韧带附着。 保持其位置 睫状肌收缩时可使晶状体变凸。 --外部为晶状体囊,由较软的皮质构成,内部为坚固的晶状体核。 晶状体 皮质 皮质 晶状体核 玻璃体 --构成眼球的4/5 --位于晶状体和视网膜之间 --透明,呈粘稠果冻状。外被玻璃体膜。 --保护视网膜防止视网膜脱落。 玻璃体 玻璃体凹 晶状体 2) 眼副器 包括眼睑、结膜、泪器、眼外肌、眶筋膜和眶脂体。 --主要起到支持保护及运动眼球的作用 眼睑 --上下个一 上睑较大,移动性强,由上睑提及支配。 --位于眼球前方。 通过关闭睑裂起到保护作用 --睑裂 位于上下睑之间的狭长间隙 上睑 下睑 睑裂 --眦 睑裂的内、外侧端分别称为内眦、外眦 --睫毛 约2~3行,上睑处数量较多,较长。 弯曲向前,不妨碍睑裂的关闭。 睫毛根部有睫毛腺,此腺的急性炎症称为麦粒肿。 内眦 外眦 睑缘 睫毛 --眼睑构成 ①皮肤 非常细薄,可移动


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