国庆节嫁女通用对联 对联 春联.doc

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国庆节嫁女通用对联 对联 春联 国庆家庆喜庆新婚; 迎宾迎客喜迎新人; 横幅:双喜连心 十一国庆华夏神州同乐; 二人同行共度良宵佳境; 横幅:一生相伴 上联:喜结秦晋普天庆 下联:乐度佳节举国欢 横批:普天同庆 上联:国泰民安歌盛世 下联:郎才女貌蕴同心 横批:普天同庆 祥光拥大道 喜气满闺门 金枝荣春绿 玉树衬花红 桃面喜陪嫁 梅香和衬妆 好女嫁出成贤妇 佳音频传到娘家 娘家既已芳声著 婆屋定然美德彰 应要睦邻和妯娌 更须敬老奉翁姑 当媳须知勤俭好 治家应教子孙贤 宝马迎来云外客 香车迈出月中仙 名流喜得名门女 才女欣逢才子家 喜看淑女成佳媳 乐让东床唤泰山 东床幸选乘龙婿 旭日增辉嫁女天 幸有春光筵贵客 喜同淑女赴新婚 惟有薄奁遗爱女 愧无美酒待高朋 养女已传针线术 适人再授桑麻经 嫁女喜逢良好日 送亲正遇吉祥年 于归好咏宜家句 往送高歌必戒章 玉镜能谐温峤志 荆钗甘为伯鸾容 名流喜得名门婿 才女欣逢才子家 嫁女喜逢大好日 送亲正遇幸福年 瑟鼓房中凫翔静好 箫吹楼上凤律归昌 嫁女婚男处处从简 移风易俗事事当先 嫁女婚男两家情愿 生男育女一个相宜 瑟鼓房中,凫翔静好 箫吹楼上,凤律归昌 联谊攀亲,何必求门当户对 择郎嫁女,只须要志同道合 此去有家,公婆同样知冷热; 思乡常记,父母永远不炎凉。 凤喜梧桐 红符暖亲情 龙驾白马 新贵承佳期 mplement the Scientific Outlook on Development based XX youth career development planning in accordance with the 11th Five-Year , building a first-class team, with first-class team. First-class performance, the overall requirements of first-class image of the tree , focusing on human services, standardized management, work fine, first-class achievements , give full play to staff assistant, supervision and inspection, comprehensive coordination, service guarantee, focus on the global and group work of the Communist Youth League in the city Municipal Party Central work, and strive to improve the decision-making ability, comprehensive coordination ability, writing ability, supervision ability, logistics ability, innovation ability, continuously consolidate and maintain the education on Party membersadvancement activities and enhance awareness of the Communist Youth League education achievements, and vigorously promote the construction of civilization advanced units, units and staff home building activities, balanced, focused, pragmatic, innovation, high standard, high quality, high level, high efficiency to complete various tasks throughout the year.First, pay close attention to research information, efforts to improve decision-making servicesIn accordance with the information reflect the


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