EN chapter11 endocrine课件.ppt

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Chapter 11 Endocrine-regulation of Hormone (内分泌-激素调节) Section 1 Introduction to endocrine 1.Endocrine(内分泌) and hormone(激素) Hormone: A long-distance chemical mediator that is secreted by an endocrine gland into the blood, which transports it to its target cell (激素:内分泌细胞分泌的生物活性物质) 2.The normal character of the hormone action (激素作用的一般特征) 3. Mechanisms of hormonal action (激素作用的机制) (1) Mechanisms of nitrogenous hormonal action (含氮激素的作用机制) Second messenger theory(第二信使学说) (2) Mechanisms of steroid hormonal action (类固醇激素的作用机制) Gene expression theory (基因表达学说) 4.The endocrine system of vertebrate (脊椎动物的内分泌系统) hypothalamus (下丘脑), pineal body(松果体), pituitary gland (垂体), thymus (胸腺), thyroid gland (甲状腺), parathyroid glands (甲状旁腺), adrenal glands (肾上腺), ovaries (卵巢), testicles (睾丸), stomach (胃), pancreas (胰)and duodenum (12指肠). 2. Hormones Secreted by Hypophysis and Their Function(垂体释放的激素和功能) (1)Hormones secreted by neurohypophysis (神经垂体释放的激素) ①Vasopressin, VP(血管加压素/加压素) / Antidiuretic hormone, ADH (抗利尿激素) Function: accelerate the contraction of the smooth muscle in arteriole, and increase the blood pressure; so it known as vasopressin (VP). (促进小A的平滑肌收缩,升高血压;所以叫血管加压素) Increase the permeability of the distal and collecting tubules of kidney to water , and decrease the urine volume, so it also known as antidiuretic hormone (ADH). (促进水在肾集合管的重吸收,又叫抗利尿激素) (3)The hormones secreted by adenohypophysis (腺垂体释放的激素) ①Adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH (促肾上腺皮质激素) Chemical nature : peptide (肽) Function: stimulate synthesis of hypercorticalism and secretion of hormone. (促进肾上腺皮质合成与分泌激素) ②Thyroid-stimulation hormone, TSH (促甲状腺素) Chemical nature : glycoprotein (糖蛋白) Function: stimulate synthesis and secretion of thyroxine. (促进甲状腺合成与分泌甲状腺素) ③Follicle-Stimulation Hormone, FSH (卵泡刺激素) chemical nature : glycoprotein (糖蛋白) function: F :pro


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