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Immunopharmacology Fen-Fei Gao Elements of the Immune System Normal Immune Responses The innate immune system: The first line of defense Including physical (eg, skin), biochemical (eg, complement(补体), lysozyme(溶菌酶)), and cellular (macrophages, neutrophils) components The adaptive immune system: Humoral immunity – B lymphocytes: antibodies Cell-mediated immunity – T lymphocytes Abnormal Immune Responses Hypersensitivity: Immediate hypersensitivity: usually antibody-mediated. Type Ⅰ: cross-linking of membrane-bound IgE on blood basophils(嗜碱细胞) or tissue mast cells(肥大细胞) by antigen. Type Ⅱ: the formation of antigen-antibody complexes between foreign antigen and IgM or IgG immunoglobulins(免疫球蛋白). eg, blood transfusion reactions and hemolytic disease of the newborn. Type Ⅲ: the presence of elevated levels of antigen-antibody complexes that cause tissue damage. Delayed hypersensitivity: cell-mediated. Induces a local inflammatory response and causes extensive tissue damage characterized by the influx of antigen-nonspecific inflammatory cells. Autoimmunity: an immune response against itself due to failure to distinguish self tissues and cells from foreign (nonself) antigens. Immunodeficiency diseases: Immunosuppressive Drugs Common characteristic: Deficiency in specific or selectivity: More effective in the first immume response action than in that of the second. Action related to the time of administration of drugs, the interval of antigen stimulation and subsequence. Non-specific anti-inflammatory effect. Cyclosporin Fat-soluble peptide antibiotic Pharmacokinetics Slowly and incompletely absorbed after oral administration. Almost totally metabolized and excreted in the bile. Pharmacological Effects: Act at an early stage in the antigen receptor-induced differentiation of T cells and block their activation. Inhibit the gene transcription of IL-2, IL-3, IFN-γ, and other factors produced by antigen-stimulated T cells, but it does not block the effect of such factors on p


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