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就当前卷烟打假破网工作存在的问题及对策 内容摘要: 近几年来,随着卷烟打假工作的深入开展,一些不法商贩由明转暗,利用不法手段销售假冒卷烟,他们不仅组织严密、分工明确,而且还在模仿当今烟草的营销方式。“按订单组织货源”,根据需求组织假烟生产,市场上什么烟好销,他们就生产什么。长期以来形成一定的售假规模,具有复杂的销售网络。他们的售假交通工具比较先进、隐蔽,方式越来越狡猾,所生产的假冒卷烟更加逼真,社会背景较为复杂,查处难度大。俗话说“魔高一尺,道高一丈”,烟草行业也对“打假破网”工作的要求越来越高,任务越来越艰巨,面对这种新形势,要求我们不断提高“打假破网”能力和案件经营水平。本文结合“打假破网”工作实际,从打假创新上提出建议:制定奖惩措施、建立情报信息网络、建立长效机制、加强市场日常监管、加大溯源力度。 当前卷烟打假破网工作存在的问题及对策 近几年来,随着卷烟打假工作的深入开展,一些不法商贩由明转暗,利用不法手段销售假冒卷烟,他们不仅组织严密、分工明确,现在还学习烟草的营销方式。“按订单组织货源”,根据需求组织假烟生产,市场上什么烟好销,他们就生产什么。打网办通[2008]1号 and work. Many classes established the duty monitor system, let every students have class member services and for the class the opportunity to work, this is not a fixed position of the monitor system of rotation, which not only can let the monitor on duty in a days work for class service work, also can let students know more of the solution in the class, every student can learn. And the class cadre conference held regularly. Pay attention to class and major incidents in the recent, Concerned about the class need to help students and make the class committee work plan and the new division.A good class of 4..Each class in the formulation of the goal, the class of the Convention at the same time, pay more attention to the class a good class construction work class. The class construction is the pillar industry of class education work, to perform the correct public opinion guide guide, schools, teachers education intent can be more smoothly issued, strict execution. Discipline, clean environment, learning atmosphere, most students with emotional attachment and collective identity, and consciously safeguard the collective honor and so on. We must first establish a collective concept, the formation of we are the best, and I win glory for the class collective concept, then do the selection of class cadres Appointment work. Finally, we must adhere to the positive guidance, set up the correct example in the class.5 class warm atmosphere to create a warm atmosphe


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