第六章 田径运动理论与技术.doc

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第六章 田径运动理论与技术 第一节 田径运动概述 一、田径运动的定义与分类 1.定义:通常把以时间计算成绩的竞走和跑的项目叫“径赛”,把以远度和高度计算成绩的跳跃和投掷项目称为“田赛”。“田赛”和“径赛”合称田径运动。 2.项目分类:分为竞走、跑、跳跃、投掷和由跑、跳跃、投掷的部分项目组成的全能运动五类。 二、田径运动的起源与发展 田径运动是在社会发展中逐步产生和发展的,是历史上最古老的体育运动之一。1896年在希腊举行的第1届现代奥林匹克运动会田径赛,是现代世界田径运动开始的标志。自第1届现代奥运会举行至今已经历了100多年,随着科学技术的进步,田径运动有了很大的发展。 近代田径运动在19世纪末传入中国。旧中国举办过7届全运会的田径比赛,由于政治、经济的原因,田径运动没有得到很好的发展,运动水平也很低,成绩十分落后。新中国成立后,在党和政府的关怀下,广大群众和少年儿童积极锻炼身体,田径运动在大、中小学校逐步普及起来,运动水平不断地提高。在1992年的第25届奥运会中,我国女子竞走运动员陈跃玲获得10km竞走金牌,实现了中国田径运动员在奥运会史上金牌零的突破。在2004年雅典奥运会男子110米栏决赛,12秒91冠军打破12秒95的奥运会纪录。胡凯夺得世界大运会男子百米冠军,这也是中国男子选手在世界重大比赛中夺得的第一块百米金牌。 and work. Many classes established the duty monitor system, let every students have class member services and for the class the opportunity to work, this is not a fixed position of the monitor system of rotation, which not only can let the monitor on duty in a days work for class service work, also can let students know more of the solution in the class, every student can learn. And the class cadre conference held regularly. Pay attention to class and major incidents in the recent, Concerned about the class need to help students and make the class committee work plan and the new division.A good class of 4..Each class in the formulation of the goal, the class of the Convention at the same time, pay more attention to the class a good class construction work class. The class construction is the pillar industry of class education work, to perform the correct public opinion guide guide, schools, teachers education intent can be more smoothly issued, strict execution. Discipline, clean environment, learning atmosphere, most students with emotional attachment and collective identity, and consciously safeguard the collective honor and so on. We must first establish a collective concept, the formation of we are the best, and I win glory for the class collective concept, then do the selection of class cadres Appointment work. Finally, we must adhere to the positive guidance, set up the correct exam


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