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Unit 2 翻译中词义的选择 Diction in Translation 教学目的要求:学生了解汉英翻译实践中恰当选词的重要性,并通过适当的技巧在实践中做到这点,使译文准确、通顺、流利等。 教学重点:中国文化对汉英翻译的影响及处理,如何使译文准确、通顺。 教学难点:如何使译文准确、地道。 翻译学习者关于翻译技巧 bbs.club.Chinavnet.cn 英?语?翻?译?方?法?技?巧?汇?篇 I. 基于汉语词语的特点,如意合词,语境词,笼统词,比喻词等,翻译汉语词语遵循一下基本要求(课本p419-424) 汉语知多少 ?链接 从语言学的角度看,“非典”命名可以存在 刘如正 ???????(河北省衡水师专中文系河北053000) 1)确切: 这个人私贩鸦片。 (secretly sell?) This man is a trafficker of opium. 他想这样会使工程及时全面展开,从而减少中途停工的可能。 He thought this would lessen the chance of the project’s being stopped before it really got under way. 2)简洁: 他们你一句,我一句,说个没完。 They talked on and on (without stopping.) 你们的计划要进行调整。 Your plan will have to be adjusted. 3)生动: 他总算把记者招待会对付过去了。 After all, he survived the press conference. 公共汽车为人们去长城参观提供了方便。 Buses provide easy access to the Great Wall. (more vivid than “provide convenience for…) II.汉译英时如何使译文准确 ?1.????? 概说: 1)用词要忠实于原文,不能只凭“大概”。 A. 在提及工艺品的发展前景时,于经理说:-- While speaking of the prospects for handicraft, Manager Yu said, --(dwelling on) B. 技术革新受到了鼓励。 Technical innovations are encouraged. (urged) C. 允许一部分人先富起来。 We encourage some people to get rich first. 2)注意汉英词汇意义的不同: 狗把他的手抓了。 The dog scratched his hand. 抓住机会 grasp the opportunity 抓苗头 watch out for the first sign 抓生产 attach importance to production 抓住机遇 value opportunities 3) 不能够字字死译,要考虑英语的含义。 为了多积攒点钱买房子,他们省吃俭用。thriftily * They save food and expenses to - They live frugally to accumulate more money to buy a house. 无论天晴还是下雨,他们明天都得去。 Rain or shine, they will have to go tomorrow. 2.去掉不必要的夸张 1 )世界上公认他是最伟大的政治家(社论)。 * He is everybody’s choice as the world’s greatest statesman. He is generally acknowledged as the world’s greatest statesman. 2)??和这里的人们一样,他也喜欢吃土豆。 *Like all people here, he likes to eat potatoes. Like most people here, he likes to eat potatoes. 3.? 用词要注意轻重 1)我国的进出口贸易总额有了较大幅度的增长。 There has been a big increase in the total volume of imports and exports. 2)我们必须广泛地利用现代科学技术的新成就。 We must utilize the ach


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