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桐庐天天假期旅行社岗位职责及相关规章制度 总经理岗位职责 总经理是企业的决策人之一,首先要努力为企业创造最大的经济效益和社会效益,使企业资本不断增值,并努力创建一流的品牌。 总经理主持全面工作,应合理调动员工积极性,营造一个宽松和谐、共同奋斗的工作氛围。 总经理应该在提高企业经济效益的基础上不断掌握现代化经营手段,不断更新经营理念,保证完成经营目标的实现,不断改善企业的办公条件,使企业具备更强有力的发展后劲. 总经理应加强财务管理,严格财务纪律,组织实施公司年度工作计划和财务预算报告及利润分配使用方案,最大限度甚至超值的发挥资本优势与品牌优势。 决定组织体制和人事编制,决定总经理助理,各职能部门报酬、奖惩。总经理必须不断学习,提高自己的业务水平和管理水平,以适应不断的旅游管理需求。 决定对成绩显著的员工予以奖励和晋级,对违纪员工的处分,甚至辞。 按月上报资产负债表、损盈表、现金流量表等财务报表,完成集团下达的各项经济指标及其他各项工作任务。按照质量管理体系文件的要求,组织制订并执行所属各部门的各项管理制度,组织对所属职工进行考核,确定职工待遇方案,按规定处理违法,违规事件。 Trade and Industry Bureau of the end of the year summary of the work of threeThe following is a small series for the general summary of the trade and Industry Bureau of the year-end summary of the work, please refer toEvery year, my right branch Party committee under the leadership of Party committees in the town of XX, the concern and support of government, comprehensive practice practice Scientific Outlook on Development, thoroughly implement the spirit of the partys real XX and XX all the fourth plenary session, institutionalization, standardization, standardization, procedure, rule of law construction. As the focus, continue to emancipate the mind, strengthen team construction, reform of supervision mode, strengthen supervision means, earnestly fulfill their duties, made new efforts for economic development and social harmony, has made a new contribution. Now XX years work conditions are summarized as follows:First, the main achievements and experienceThe administration of industry and commerce administration departments is the main force to maintain the rank order of the market economy, its primary responsibility is to strengthen market supervision, to safeguard legal system based on fairness, honesty, ordered the market economic order, to create a good market environment. This year, I think I really in accordance with the Council and the town Party committee,, the governments arrangements and requirements, combined with the actual jurisdiction area, pay close


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