英语四级改革后翻译 - 副本.doc

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Chinese Kung Fu, with a history of a few thousand years and a number of fighting styles, is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. Its birth was attributed to the need for self-defense, hunting techniques and military training in ancient times. Historically, the influence of Chinese Kung Fu could be found in books and in the performing arts specific to Asia. Recently, those influences have extended to the movies and television that target a much wider audience. As a result, Chinese Kung Fu has spread beyond its ethnic roots and has a gloal appeal. 2、与全国大多数其它城市人相比,广州人的平均收入很高,小康之家越来越多。因此,广州人上馆子很常见。广州的餐馆整天宾客满座,因为广州人似乎特爱享用美食。他们喜欢上馆子喝早茶。在那里,小推车上装着各种点心,从一个桌子推到另一个桌子,供应顾客。周末一大早,从7点开始很多人就起床,在各种餐馆里边喝茶,边吃早餐,边和朋友聊天。 Compared with people in most other Chinese cities, people in Guangzhou have quite high average income, and the number of well-to-do families has been rising steadily. For this reason, it is very common for Guangzhou residents to eat out. Restaurangts in the city are crowded with diners all day round, as the people in Guangzhou seem to be particularly keen on having good food. The locals like to have morning tea in restaurants, where a large variety of dim sum is served on carts going from table to table. At weekends, as early as 7 o’clock, a lot of people in Guangzhou are up and are already chatting with friends over tea and breakfast in various restaurants. 3、饺子是人们在中国新年及北方常年吃的主要食物之一。饺子的发音听起来与最早的纸币的名字相似,所以吃饺子被认为会带来幸运。很多家庭在除夕夜吃饺子。有些厨师会藏一枚干净的硬币,让幸运的人找到它。常见的饺子肉馅包括猪肉、牛肉以及鱼肉,这些肉馅通常会与切碎的蔬菜混合在一起。吃饺子时拌有包含醋、大蒜或辣椒酱的以酱油为基础的沾酱。 Jiaozi are one of the major foods eaten during the Chinese New Year and year round in the northern provinces. The pronunciation of jiaozi sounds like the name for the earliest paper money, so eating them is believed to bring good fortune. Many families eat jiaozi on Chinese New Year’s Eve. Some cooks will hide a clean coin for lucky to find. The common meat fillings of jiaozi include pork, beef, chicken and fish, which are usually mixed with c


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