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British Sightseeing 学院:建筑工程学院 专业:结构工程 姓名:王月玥 学号:2010210052 1. how to spending the holiday In UK,the favourite way of spending the holiday is : 1)at the seaside 2) visiting historical sites The historical sites are concentrated in a) London b) Edinburgh c)Stratford-on-Avon d)Cardiff. 2. Sightseeing 1.Westminster(威斯敏特) 2.1 Westminster(威斯敏特) 1)Westminster palace (威斯敏特宫,也称国会大厦) Westminster Palace is the seat of the British Houses of Parliament, which is the largest Gothic edifice in England, covering eight acres and located in the heart of London. 2.1 Westminster(威斯敏特) 2) Big Ben (大本钟) The most popularly symbolic part of the Houses of Parliament is the 315-foot Clock Tower, famous for housing the largest clock in the world called Big Benand for its 13-ton bell. 2.1 Westminster(威斯敏特) 3) Westminster abbey(威斯敏斯特大教堂) Westminster Abbey is a veritable national shrine. Many of the country‘s greatest literary and scientific figures are buried in the abbey . 2.2 The British Museum (大英博物馆) found in 1753 . organized into three main departments . 2.2 The British Museum (大英博物馆) 1)One comprises Greek and Roman, Egyptian, Western Asian, Oriental, British, and Medieval antiquities; 2) the departments of coins and metals 3) the departments of ethnography 2.2 The British Museum (大英博物馆) 2.3Hyde Park(海德公园) Hyde Park in the center of London is one of the worlds most famous city parks. It extends westward from Park Lane to Kensington Gardens. 2.3Hyde Park(海德公园) 2.4 The Tower of London (伦敦塔) 2.4 The Tower of London (伦敦塔) The inner wall, with its 13 towers, was built in Henry IVs period; the outer wall was built during the reign of Edward I. 2.5 St. Paul‘s Cathedral(圣保罗大教堂) the biggest and most well-known church in London. a typical example of the architecture of the Renaissance. 2.5 St. Paul‘s Cathedral(圣保罗大教堂) 2.6 Buckingham Palace (白金汉宫) Buckingham Palace is the monarchs present London home, facing St. Jamess Park. The grounds cover 40 ac


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