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摘 要 初级破碎机的选择是采矿采石或工业矿产等涉及到减少岩石矿石或材料体积的操作成功的关键。被矿产业标准化了的装备将进行回转如双鄂破碎机,单鄂破碎机,高速回转窑,低速分拣机,撞击器,锤式粉碎机,以及支线破碎器。每种破碎机都有自己的优略,所以选择破碎机就是一个多标准的选择问题。选择等级法是非常著名的解决破碎机选择的方法。在这种方法中,决策者将会执行两两比较,然后两两比较过的地质和基数将会决定问题中各个参数的重要性。这个重要性将会知道决策者做出更为优越的选择。这个选择方法被应用到各种特殊的场合去解决问题,比如露天采矿,最优回收方案,岩体评估,矿坝的地址选择,地下矿采集方法选择,选择凿井方法,确定石矿山空间大小,选择物料搬运设备系统。然而初级破碎机的选择方法却很少被报道。在这里,我们将运用层级分析法对铁矿中破碎机的选择做出讨论。出于这个目的,破碎机的功率,填入物的大小,商品尺寸,岩石强度。磨损指数和破碎机在移动设备中的应用同样视为关键因素另外,对破碎机的工作原理及特点和主要部件的作用作了介绍,包括保险装置、调整装置、机架结构、润滑装置等;同时对机器的参数(主轴转速、生产能力、破碎力、功率等)作了计算。此外,对破碎的意义、破碎工艺和破碎比的计算,破碎机的主要部件的安装、操作及维修作了简单介绍。 关键词: 破碎比; 主轴设计; 高生产量 Abstract The primary crusher selection is the key to the success of the mining, quarry or industrial mineral operation that involves there duction in the size of rock, ore or material. The crushing equipment standard to the mineral industries has been gyratory, double toggle jaw, single toggle jaw, high speed roll, low speed sizer, impactor, hammer mill and feeder breaker. There were advantagesand disadvantages for any crusher, so that the selection of suitable primary crusher is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. Analytic hierarchy process is a well-known method for solving decision-making problems. In that method, pairwise comparisons are performed by the decision-maker (DM) and then the pairwise comparison matrix and the eigenvector are derived to specify the weights of each parameter in the problem. The weights guide the DM in choosing the superior alternative [1]. This method has been used for a variety of specific application in decision making problem such as equipment selection in open pit mining, selection of optimal reclamation method, rock mass rating, tailing dam site selection, underground mining method selection, selection of optimum mining method, Choosing shaft sinking method, Determining proper strategies for dimensional stone mines, equipment selection and selection of material handling equipment system [2-12]; however, its application in primary crusher sel


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