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Now, let’s take a look at what functions the poly(A) tail has. The main function of poly(A) tail is to protect the mRNA from degradation by ribonucleases. Unlike the cap structure, the tail does not provide protection by introducing a triphosphate bond. It depends on the long string of As that separate the coding region from the end of the mRNA. So, it provides a certain protection to the mRNA. 现在,我们来看一看poly(A)尾的功能。poly(A)尾的主要功能是保护mRNA免受核糖核酸酶的降解。与帽结构不同的是,poly(A)尾不是通过引入一个三磷酸键来提供保护;它是通过用较多数量的腺嘌呤核苷酸将mRNA末端的编码区域隔开而提供保护的。因此,它对mRNA提供了一定的保护作用。 Now, let’s start to talk about section 5.3, concerning splicing. It has been found that a gene can have both exons and introns. Exons are parts of a gene that are expressed as protein. And introns are sequences that do not code for protein and interrupt the coding regions. Splicing is the process of removing introns from a pre-mRNA. 现在,我们开始讲第3节,关于剪接。已经发现,基因中既有外显子也有内含子。基因中被表达成蛋白质的部分称为外显子,不编码蛋白质并打断编码区的序列称为内含子。剪接就是从前体mRNA中去除内含子的过程。 First, let’s look at the basic splicing reaction. Here, we need to answer one question. That is, what does an intron look like? Actually, most introns have certain sequence similarities. Almost all introns have GU on their 5’ end and have AG on their 3’ end. This typical structure forms the splice sites for splicing reaction. Splice sites are sequences that mark the beginning and ends of introns and exons. A number of proteins can recognize these splice sites and carry out the splicing reaction. 我们先来看基本的剪接反应。在此,我们需要回答一个问题,即:内含子看起来是什么样子的?实际上,大多数内含子具有一定的序列相似性。几乎所有内含子的5’端都有GU,3’端都有AG。这种典型的结构为剪接反应提供了剪接位点。剪接位点就是那些标记出内含子与外显子开头与结尾位置的序列。一些蛋白质能够识别这些位点并催化剪接反应。 The basic splicing reaction is like this: first, a hydroxyl group on the A nucleotide of the intron ‘attacks’ the 5’ splice site. The result is that the bond between the G of the exon and the G of intron at the boundary is broken and the G of the intron forms a new bond with the attacking A. Secondly, the hydroxyl group of the exon’s terminal G attac


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