高三英语 unit2 Care for your hair-more reading课件 牛津上海版S1A.PPTVIP

高三英语 unit2 Care for your hair-more reading课件 牛津上海版S1A.PPT

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Maintenance is better than repair More Language Input (II) Picture matching: bald ___ rob ___ iron ___ Words matching: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Do you know how to deal with _____________? maintenance n. the maintenance of good relations between countries the maintenance of one’s family Vt. maintain lack (revision) n. lack of sth. vt. lack sth. e.g. 他缺乏自信致使他丧失了这个机会。 (translate in three forms) His lack of self confidence led to his losing the chance. He lacked self confidence, which led to his losing the chance. His lacking self confidence led to his losing the chance. rob v. rob sb./ sth. of sth. e.g. 我被抢了现金和支票。 I was robbed of my cash and cheque. 那些猫吵得我睡不着觉。 The cats robbed me of my sleep. steal steal sth. from sb. e.g. 他劫富济贫。 He stole money from the rich to help the poor. 我的表被偷了。 My watch was stolen. treat v. treat sb./sth. as ~ e.g. He is always treating others as idiots. 请别再把我们当成孩子了。 Please don’t treat us as children again. treat oneself /sb. to sth. e.g. She treated every child to an icecream. 我决定坐一次出租车(来犒劳自己) I decided to treat myself to taxi. treat (disease) / treat sb. for sth. e.g. a new drug to treat cancer cure 治愈 cure sb. of sth. / cure a disease e.g. cure him of cancer Finishing the sentences A sensible mind is the key to _________. The most important thing to learn English well is to _______________. I don’t like the way he _____________. * perming ___ colouring ___ hair-dryers ___ A B C B A C A B C B A B C A B overuse appliance sensible maintenance pressure protein shiny a. keeping in good condition b. reasonable; able to make good decisions and judgements c. bright d. too much use e. a device that helps people do a particular job f. stress g. something that helps to build up the body and keep it healthy ______________ ___________________________ W


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