高三英语 Unit4 What should I do?-more reading课件 牛津上海版S1A.pptVIP

高三英语 Unit4 What should I do?-more reading课件 牛津上海版S1A.ppt

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Chapter 4 More Language Input A Letter from the Teacher Counsellor share share sth. with sb. --- tell sb. about sth. eg. She won’t share her secret with us. 她真慷慨,愿意把她的方法告诉我们。 It’s generous of her to share her method with us. --- have or use sth. with others He would share his last cent with me. Susan,你介意和我女儿住一间吗?因为没有备用房间了。 Susan, would you mind sharing one room with my daughter since there’s no spare one? --- answer/ reply to/ respond to 他没理睬Simon所说的话。 He didn’t react to what Simon had said. 小男孩对坏小子们的行为没作任何反应,而是移了个位子。 The little boy didn’t react to the tough guys’ behavior and moved to another seat instead. reaction (n.) What is her reaction to the bad news? lack vt. have less than enough of 他丢了这份工作,因为他缺乏经验和耐心。 He lost the job because he lacked experience and patience. 他没有帮助那个小男孩是因为他缺乏勇气。 He didn’t help the little boy because he lacked courage. look forward to --- expect sth. with pleasure 我们盼望着春节的到来。 We are looking forward to the Spring Festival. Debbie期望着收到父母的来信。 Debbie is looking forward to hearing from her parents. main contents of the letter The weakness of the three Ss Hands-on practice Suppose you are going to meet the counselor at her office hour to get more advice about the Dilemma you meet with in your life. One group need help and the other groups will be the counselors who offer advice. Notes on the letter of reply 1. Make sure it is a letter. 2. Thank the writer, and mention the topic in the first few sentences. 3. Say YES to the writer’s positive side of what he has done. 4. Tell the writer what to do, and offer your help if necessary. * react to lack of ... / for lack of 蛋白质和水的缺乏会使你的皮肤悄悄地失去光泽。 Lack of protein and water will secretly rob your skin of its shiny beauty. 由于缺乏创造力,Sue的绘画作品不出众。 Sue’s paintings don’


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