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* 1.( )Being honest is the first _________ if you want to get on well with others and make more friends. A. job B. stop C. step D. time 2.( )--- ________ have you been in Hefei? --- Since New Year’s Eve . I have stayed here for about fourteen days with my grandparents . A.How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far 3.( )Boys , don’t lose _________ in playing computer games after class ! It’s bad for your eyes if you play them for long . A.himself B. yourself C. yourselves D. themselves 4.( )----Someone is knocking at the door . Is it Jenny? ---- It _________ be her . She is taking part in a fashion shoe at the theatre now . A.may B. must C. can’t D. mustn’t 5.( )---Mum , I want to _________ in the new park . ---- OK . Let’s go together. A.look out B. get out C. hang out D. put out 6.( )----I didn’t get the prize . -----________ . Don’t lose heart . We will have another chance . A.So I did B. So did I C. Neither I did D. Neither did I 7.( )----I have never been invited to eat Western-style food , so I feel a little nervous. ---- Don’t worry . Just do __________ other guests do . A. before B. so C. as D. until 8.( )___________ is watching TV. Let’s turn it off . A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody 9.( )The movie “ Batman and Joker” is _____ one that I have ever seen . A.more exciting B. the most exciting C.. more excited D. the most excited 10.( )----- How about __________ talent show ? ----- I should say it was _________ great success . A./ ; the B. a ;the C. the ; a D. the ; / 11.( )If I am wanted on the phone , ask him to leave a ___________ . A. message B. letter C. diary D. sentence 12.( )----- Excuse me , is this __________ iPad mini ? ------ No, it isn’t . __________ is at home . A. your ; Mine B. your ; My C. yours ; My D. yours ; Mine 13.( )Parents always tell their children __ on the road because it’s dangerous . not to play B. to not play C. not playing D. not play 14.( )---


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