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新目标英语七年级上Starter Unit1-3测试卷二 总分:150 姓名:_____________ 一、按字母顺序写出26个大小写字母,并给5个元音字母划线。10分 二、按要求完成下列各题。10分 1.What’s(缩写)______ 2. I’m(缩写)_____ 3. It is(缩写)___ 4. R(同音单词)____ 5. U(同音单词)_____ 6. BBC(缩写含义)________ 7. S/M/L(缩写含义)________ 8. ___ruler(用a /an 填空) 9. __ “U”( 用a /an 填空) 10. ___ “I” ( 用a /an 填空) 三、写出所给大写形式单词的小写形式。10分 WHAT NAME GOOD HELLO HOW FINE MORNING EVENING AFTERNOON JACKET 四、单项选择。(1x20,20分) 1. ---Hello, Eric! ---_____ A. Hello, Bob! B. Thank you. C. OK 2. ---What’s this? ---It’s____ UFO. A. a B. the C. an D. / 3. ---What color is it? ---_____. A. Red B. a white ruler C. A red 4. 下面字母含有与 “I” 共同音素的是_____. A. y B. d C. g D. A 5. 小写字母占格相同的一项是_____. A. FGK B. MNR C. BYZ D. OSG 6. ---How are you? ---_____. A. I am fine B. Hello C. Good morning D. Thanks 7. ---____ ruler, please! ---R-U-L-E-R. A. That B. What C. Spell D. Spell it 8. What’s this ____ English? A. on B. in C. at D. of 9. That is___ orange. ___orange is ____orange. A. an, The, / B. a, An, a C. a, A, a 10. I ___ fine. How ____ you? A. is, are B. am, are C. are, are D. am, is 11. ---Good afternoon, Helen! ---_____, Cindy! A. Good B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good morning 12. 当你相让对方说出某个单词怎么拼写时,你应该说:______ A. What’s this? B. Spell it, please C. What’s that, please? D. What color is it? 13. 你想问一个美国朋友手中所拿物品的英文名称,你应该说:_____. A. How are you? B. What color is it? C. What’s this in English? D. Spell it, please. 14. ---What’s this in English? ---It’s______. A. an orange B. a orange C. orange D. the orange 15. ---What’s this? ---___ a key. A. Its’ B. This’s C. It’s D. That’s 16. ---What color is the ruler? ---_____. A. It’s a ruler B. It’s white C. It’s a white D. it white 17. The rul


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