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摘要 “社会存在”是马克思主义哲学最基础的概念,社会存在理论是马克思进行哲学批判和批判资本主义社会的根本原则。无论是理解马克思主义,或者对马克思主义进行完善和重构,还是将马克思主义运用到实践,这都是一个绕不过去的理论;无论是捍卫马克思主义,还是反对马克思主义,社会存在理论都是马克思主义哲学的堡垒。本文简要梳理了马克思之前西方哲学史上的存在论观点,并分析了这些传统本体论对马克思社会存在理论形成的影响以及马克思对传统存在论的继承和革命性发展,从而通过对从马克思的社会存在理论的建立到后人对社会存在理论的理解问题上进行了概括性介绍和分析,得出社会存在理论就是社会存在、社会关系和社会意识的历史的和逻辑的统一,是“一体多面”的关系。而一般研究者对马克思社会存在理论的误解主要来自于对辩证法和社会存在理论相统一的忽视。如何理解马克思的社会存在理论,将在一定程度上决定着如何对待和理解马克思主义哲学。理解不等于准确理解,而准确的理解则需要通过“对话”达成一种共识,这种共识的达成不仅需要马克思主义者参与,也需要非马克思主义者和马克思主义的反对者参与,因为这样才不至于在不同的话语中滥用和误用甚至是曲解马克思主义(除非那些别有用心的人)。从而论证马克思社会存在理论在马克思主义的核心地位,论证它的革命性所在,将是笔者本文的目的所在。 关键词 马克思;社会存在;西方马克思主义;实践;辩证法 Abstract Social existence is the most basic concept of Marxist philosophy; social existence theory is the fundamental principles for Marx to execute philosophical criticism and critique of capitalist society. Whether it is to understand Marxism, or to improved and reconstructed Marxism, even practice Marxism, this is a theory around the past; either defend Marxism, or against Marxism, social existence theory is bastion of Marxist philosophy. This article briefly reviews the history of western philosophy before Marxs theory of social existence point of view and analyze the effect of these traditional ontological for Marxs theory of formation of social existence as well as the revolutionary Marxist inheritance and development of traditional ontology, thus conducted a general description and analysis from establishment of Marxs theory of social existence to issue of understand Marxs theory of social existence of the later generation, reaching conclusion of what the theory of social existence is the unity of history and logic of social existence, social relations and social consciousness, is also the relationship of one of the multi- plane . The general misunderstanding of Marxs theory of social existence researchers mainly from the unity of theory and ignore the existence of social dialectics. How to understand Marxs theory of social existence, will determine to some ext



