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本科学生毕业论文 汽车4S店的服务质量提升策略研究 系部名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○一二年六月 The Graduation Thesis for Bachelors Degree The Study of the Automobile 4S Shop’s Service Quality Improvement Measurement Candidate: Major: Class: Supervisor: Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2012-06·Harbin 摘 要 随着经济的发展,私家车拥有量越来越多,这就促使形成了专门为汽车提供整车销售(Sale)、零配件(Sparepart)、售后服务(Service)、信息反馈(Survey)汽车特许经营模式PDCA循环方法和6σ服务质量管理方法为理论基础,提出了如何提高服务质量的对策建议,研究汽车4S店的服务质量提升策略,为未来汽车服务行业的发展提出建议,为广大4S店经营者就如何提高服务质量提供在理论上和策略上的探讨和借鉴。 关键词:汽车4S店;服务体系;服务质量;提升策略;售后服务 ABSTRACT With the development of economy, private car ownership is more and more, this has prompted formed a special for Sale, Sparepart, Service, Survey and many other services as one of the car franchise mode to for huge car market to provide comprehensive Service, hereinafter referred to as the car 4S shop. Throughout car 4S shop the development history, still in the business model now the early stages of development, car 4S shop sort is various, and the lack of uniform market specifications and standards, cause the car 4S shop service quality can not reach the public expectations, to a great extent influence for the whole car industry, consumer impression, thus it directly restricts the car sales and maintenance of development. This paper specifically for the existing car 4S shop service quality and service system for statistics and analysis, based on the service quality related theory puts forward how to improve the service quality of countermeasures, research car 4S shop service quality improvement strategies for the future development of the service industry puts forward some proposals for the 4S shops on how to improve the service quality operators provide in theory and strategy of the discussion and using for reference. Key words: the Automobile 4S Shop; Service system; The service quality; Promotion strategy; After-sales service 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 目 录 1 第


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