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摘 要 在经济的不断发展,科学技术日新月异的今天,汽车的种类还有数量已经和经济发展同样的速度成长起来。作为汽车与人之间的沟通,汽车仪表起着不可或缺的作用,一个国家的汽车需求总量,主要受其经济增长速度、城市化水平、人口密度及数量、国家产业结构等综合因素的影响。在全球经济持续低迷的情况下,我国国民经济仍然以较高的速度持续增长,城市化水平不断提高。这从客观上导致了我国汽车行业的空前繁荣景象,我国已经成为全球最大的汽车市场。这些年来,随着经济建设的持续高速发展,我国人均汽车拥有量越来越大。针对汽车仪表发展的新趋势,本文对国内汽车仪表行业的现状和发展远景进行了概述,针对性的研究了基于LabVIEW技术建立虚拟汽车仪表系统的构成,并且系统的给出了一种可行性方案,分别从LabVIEW软件实现方法软件的方面进行了阐述。本文设计出来的汽车虚拟仪表系统可以实现日期/时间、总里程、当前速度、转速、温度、油箱存油量等信息的显示。 关键词:LabVIEW ;汽车仪表盘 ;虚拟仪器 ABSTRACT In the development of economy, science and technology change rapidly today, car type and number and same speed up economic development. As between the car and the human communication, automobile instrument plays an indispensable role, total demand of a country, is mainly influenced by the factors of the economic growth rate, the level of city, population density and the number of national industry structure, etc.. In the global economic downturn, Chinas national economy continues to grow with high rate, continuously improve the level of city. This led to Chinas automobile industry an unprecedented prosperity from the objective, China has become the worlds largest car market. These years, with the sustained and rapid development of economic construction, Chinas per capita automobile more and more. The new trend for the development of the automobile instrument, vision status and development of the domestic automobile instrument industry were summarized, based on the establishment of virtual instrument technology LabVIEW system based on the study, and the system provides a feasible scheme, are described respectively, realization method of software LabVIEW software from the aspects of. Virtual instrument system this paper designed can display date / time, mileage, current speed, speed, temperature, fuel oil and other information Key words LabVIEW ; Car dashboard ; virtual instrument 目 录 1 引言 1 2 研究的目的、意义以及主要内容 2 2.1 研究的目的和意义 2 2.2 研究的主要内容 2 3 汽车仪表盘系统功能分析 3 3.1 车速表 3 3.2 里程表 3 3.3 燃油表 3 3.4 转速表 3 3.5 温



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