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学习目标 Knowledge aims: 1.能听、说、认读单词: tired,cause,litter,dustbin,fingernail,meal,without; 短语:be bad for,have a good rest; 2.能用must和mustnt提建议 Skill aims: 1.能在一定单词的帮助下复述一篇对话。 2.学会给别人提建议。 Emotional aims: 通过语言学习,影响学生的自身品格,要学会辨别好习惯与坏习惯,养成好习惯,戒掉坏习惯,保持健康。 教学重点 1.学生对1a的理解与运用。 2.学生对must表建议的理解与运用。 3.各种好习惯坏习惯的表达法。 预习检测 1.You shouldnt stay up too late. It will _______(导致) a headache. 2.He went home from work and he felt very ________(疲劳的). 3.Can you see me_________(没有)your glasses? 英译汉(自主探究) 1.stay up late 2.put litter into the dustbin 3.do morning exercises 4.throw litter around 5.keep fingernails long 6.wash hands before meals 7.play sports right after meals 自主测评 1. —Watching TV too much _______ bad for your eyes. —I’ll go to bed right away. A. is B. are C. was D. be (2009辽宁沈阳,11) 2.You _____ jump onto a bus while it is moving.Its too dangerous. A.may not B.mustnt C.may D.must 拓展延伸 对于must开头的一般疑问句,若作否定回答,可以用needn’t,不能用?mustn’t。 如:?“Must?I?clean?all?the?rooms?” ? “No,?you?needn’t.”? “这些房间我都得清扫吗?” “不必。” (2009·宿迁中考) –Must I finish watering the flowers now? -No, you________. A. must B. won’t C. needn’t D. can’t 学习反思 1.words(单词): 2.phrases(短语): 3:sentences(句子): Homework 假设一个星期三,小明头一天晚上看电视看到凌晨2点,第二天7点才起床没来得及刷牙匆匆赶到教室,可还是迟到了。就此,请你写一篇小短文给小明提建议。 I must ask him to give up smoking. sectionA —Made by Liu Huan from Grade eight 教学难点 1.复述1a。 2.学生用完整的句子表达自己的看法。 litter dustbin meal fingernail cause tired without F:熬夜,睡得很晚 A:把垃圾扔进垃圾箱 C:做晨练 D:乱扔垃圾 B:留长指甲 G:饭前洗手 E:饭后就运动 Watch the flash and fill in the blanks. 1b Reason watch ______________ go to bed ________ Result look ______ have a _________ Suggestion go to bed _____ Feeling _________ a soccer game very late tired headache early better 视频1a-P35 合作探究 Jane: … look tired … ? Kangkang: … a headache. Jane:



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