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课题: 8A综合练习 主备:颜乐 课型:中考复习 审核:区九年级英语备课组 班级 姓名 学号 单项选择。 ( ) 1. The weather in June is like _______ baby’s face. It changes quickly. A. a B. the C. an D. / ( ) 2. If there __ no buying and selling of animals, there ___ no killing in nature. A. is; will be B. will be; will be C. is; is D. will be; is ( ) 3. --- What were your parents doing _____ you got home? --- My mother was watching TV _____ my father was writing a report. A. when; while B. while; while C. while; when D. when;when ( ) 4.The number is getting _______ because many of their living areas are becoming farmland. A. smaller and smaller B. fewer and fewer C. bigger and bigger D. more and more ( ) 5. Giant pandas will have nowhere _________ . A. live in B. to live in C. to live D. live ( ) 6. ---What do you think of his words? ---What he said sounds _______. A. nicely B. friendly C. pleasantly D. wonderfully ( ) 7. ---Make ______ at home,” he said to his friends. A. yourself B. yourselves C. you D. yours ( ) 8. ---I saw Mr. Smith in the office at ten yesterday morning. ---That’s impossible. He ________ an English party with us then. A. has B. had C. was having D. has had ( ) 9. ---The bag of rubbish smells ______. ---______, please. A. bad; Take it away B. badly; Take it away C. bad; Take away it D. badly; Take away it ( ) 10. In winter people usually keep flowers in their houses to ______ them from the cold. A. produce B. provide C. protect D. prevent ( ) 11.--- What shall we do now? ---_______it’s raining hard, let’s stay at home. A. So B. Since C. Though D. If ( ) 12.Don’t _________.Please ____________ the bus one by one . A. in a hurry; get off B. hurry; get into C. in


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