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Grammar5th 宾语从句 一、that引导的宾语从句 1.that常用引导宾语从句,而且在很多情况下that可省略。, E.g. The company instructed him that he would be employed. 公司通知他将被录取。 The teacher taught us that we should always do our best. 老师教导我们要时刻尽己所能。 They promised (us)that they would respect our privacy. 他们答应尊重我们的隐私。 2.在decide,desire,demand,order,suggest等表示“决定”、“要求”、“命令”、“建议”等意义的动词之后,that-从句中常用“(should)+动词原形”虚拟语气形式. E.g. The teacher suggested that we should call off the plan. 老师建议我们取消那个计划。 They demanded that the company (should)make compensation for the loss. 他们要求该公司赔偿损失。 二、that引导宾语从句的其他几种情况 1.如果宾语从句后跟有补语,常用it作形式宾语,而将从句放到补语之后。 E.g. They kept it quiet that he was dead.他们对他的死保密. 1 heard it said that the meeting would be postponed.我听说这个会议将推迟。 2.宾语从句也用在某些带有先行词it作宾语的的定搭配之后。 E.g. She took it for granted that you knew the matter.她想当然地认为你应当知道那件事。 I’11 see to it that you get your reward.我保证你得到你的回报。 I owe it to the doctor that I am still alive.我还活着要归功于那位医生? 3.当主句渭语动训为assume,believe,expect,guess,imagine,suppose,think等表示“认为”、“猜想”的动洲时,其后的宾语从句如果带有否定意义.通常应将否定词前移至主句谓语上。 E.g. I don’t imagine that I have met you before.我想我们以前没有见过面。 I don’t think (that)she will succeed.我想她不会成功的。 I don’t suppose that anyone will object to the plan.我估计没什么人会反对这个计划。 注:此类动词若主语为第一人称,变成反意疑问旬时,应该问宾语从旬中的谓语动词。而其他宾语从句的动词变为反意疑问句时,则问主句谓语动词。 E.g. I don’t believe she knows it, does she? 我想她不知此事,是吗? She denied (that) she had seen the man and that she had been in touch with him. 她否认见过这个人,也否认同他有过联系。 5.在由doubt,doubtful引导的宾语从句中,如果主句为肯定句,宾语从句的连接词常用whether或if;在否定句或疑问句中,宾语从句的连接同常用that。 E.g. I doubt if/whether he can pass the exam.我不知道他是否能通过考试, I don’t doubt that he will pass the examination.我相信他会通过考试.. I am doubtful whether/if they will win the game.我不知道他们是否能赢得这场比赛。 I am not doubtful that she will get the job.我相信她会得到那个工作。 6.在 hope,believe,suppose,guess,think,be afraid等动词后面,可用so代替上文的一个从句。 E.g. “Do we get a raise in pay?” “I hope so.”“我们会加薪吗?” “但愿如此。” “Do you think (that) she will succeed?”“Yes,I think so.(I don


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