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Growth of Am Society Chapter 11 The Growth of American Society (1789 - 1861) Question Answer Samuel Slater apprentice in English textile mill but saw greater economic opportunity in America. Memorized construction of textile machinery and escaped to the US Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin and interchangeable parts Interchangeable parts parts made of standardized machine manufactured identical parts Patent allowed inventors to secure rights to new devices; while the inventor held the patent no one else could copy the inventors work John Deere perfected the plow Cyrus McCormick invented a reaping machine, a horse-drawn device that allowed one man to cut and stack 10 -12 acres of grain per day Cotton cotton is king in the South Cotton gin a machine containing a series of teeth mounted rollers that separated the cotton from the seed Robert Fulton perfected the steamship; 1807 he unveiled the Clermont steamboat National road road from Cumberland MD to Vandalia IL. Plank road a road consisting of a series of boards or logs laid side by side Corduroy roads plank roads with bumpy texture Toll roads roads built by private companies who paid for them by charging fees Turnpike toll road DeWitt Clinton built a canal from Albany to Lake Erie Erie Canal canal that went from Albany to Lake Erie, 363 miles long and cost $6M BO Baltimore and Ohio railroad railroad that went from Baltimore to Ohio; first economically successful railroad in America Clipper ship differed from previous ships; during 1840’s -1850’s was the fastest ship ever built; world record 436 miles in one day Pony Express 500 horses and 190 stations to carry mail from Missouri to California. Founded by William Russell; promised to carry mail across the continent in the shortest amount of time Samuel F.B Morse a painter who invented the telegraph (idea was from France) Abolitionism the movement to eliminate slavery William Lloyd Garrison the most important and most militant abolitionist leade


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