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印度电钢综合有限公司 2×60吨转炉及连铸工程 2×60t converter and CCM project for EIL 工艺技术规程 Technical Specification (热力、通风) (thermal, ventilation) 发放编号:SN.: 持 有 人:Possessor (注:在确认现场实际设备与设计要求完全相符后,方可按本手册规定进行操作 Note:Only after confirming that actual equipment at site is completely matching with the design,Operation can be carried out as per this manual) 1. 转炉二次除尘系统工艺技术规程 Technical specification of converter secondary dedusting system 1.1工艺流程:Process flow 转炉二次除尘系统包括2座转炉兑铁水、出钢及散装料卸料等处在冶炼或工作过程产生的烟气和灰尘,共设一套除尘系统集中处理。 Converter secondary dedusting system is designed with one set of dedusting system which is shared and used by the dust generating points such as 2 sets of converter for hot metal mixing, tapping and bulk unloading. 转炉二次除尘烟罩 除尘管道 布袋除尘器 风机 烟囱 输灰系统 除尘灰外运 经过净化处理后的气体排放浓度小于100mg/Nm3. dedusting pipe bag deduster fan chimney Ash conveying system dedusting dust is transported outside plant Emission concentration of gas after purified is less than 100mg/Nm3 1.3工艺标准 转炉二次烟气风量:2×30×104m3/h 烟气温度:120℃ 2×30×104m3/h temperature of flue gas: 120℃ 散装料上料风量: 5×104 m3/h 烟气温度:60℃ 5×104 m3/h temperature of flue gas: 60℃ 原始含尘量:2~3g/m3 2~3g/m3 除尘器压差小于1500Pa 1500Pa 1.4工艺方法 1.4.1每座转炉三个排烟口;散装料上料系统除尘采用移动式皮带通风槽; 1.4.2 除尘器本体灰斗各阀门与料仓卸料阀连锁。除尘器本体灰斗各阀门卸料时料仓卸料阀提前两分钟打开,卸料结束后料仓卸料阀延时两分钟关闭。 two-minute delay close after discharging is over. 1.4.3除尘器本体进口混风阀由进口烟气温度自动控制。进口烟气温度≥100℃时,混风阀自动开启,进口烟气温度≤80℃时,混风阀自动关闭。 ≥100℃, mixed air valve is opened automatically; when inlet flue gas temperature is ≤80℃, mixed air valve is automatic closed. 1.5风机启停 1.5.1检查确认 电机稀油站冷却水正常,启动稀油泵; lubrication pump. 检查风机轴承座冷却正常; 检查风机风门关闭; F 1.5.2风机运行 现场启动电机; 打开风机风门。 O 2.混铁炉除尘系统工艺技术规程 2.1工艺流程: 混铁炉除尘系统用于捕集和净化混铁炉受铁水和混铁炉出铁水时产生的烟气。本系统采用高悬式覆盖吸尘罩捕集兑铁水全过程的烟尘。铁水罐上部设置顶吸罩捕集混铁炉向铁水罐倒铁水时的烟尘。兑铁水烟气采用采用高悬吸尘罩进行捕集,阻挡生成的烟气从炉口外溢。除尘方式为


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