Lesson80 The Crystal Palace.ppt

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The crystal palace * Lesson 80 Palace 宫殿 n. 这是一座豪华的宫殿。 This is a luxury palace. 英国女王住在白金汉宫。 The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace. Extraordinary adj.不平常的,非凡的,奇怪的 他竟然在晚会上睡觉,简直太奇怪了 Its extraordinary that he slept through the party. 他的记忆力惊人。 He has an extraordinary memory. Exhibition 展览 n. 他们举办了一个高科技产品的展览。 They held an exhibition on hi-tech products. make an exhibition of oneself (做蠢事而使自己) 丢脸,出洋相 恐怕弗兰克喝醉了并且出了洋相。 Im afraid Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself. Iron (1)n.铁 中国出口铁。 China exported iron. 打铁要趁热。 Strike while the iron is hot. (2)v. 熨斗 (3)v. 熨衣服 你能帮我熨下衣服吗? Could you iron me this shirt? Various 各种各样的 学校收到了教育部的各种奖学金。 The school has received various grants from the education department. 由于各种各样的原因,她接受了这份工作。 She took the job for various reasons. 做这件事有各种各样的方法。 There are various ways of doing this. Machinery (1)机器(总称) 这是一台极好的机器。 This is a wonderful piece of machinery. 一大批新机器是从美国进口的。 A lot of new machinery was imported from America. (2)[社会、政治等之] 制度,机构,组织,机关 the machinery of government 政治机构 the machinery of the law 司法机关 Display (1)n.展览 中山公园每年举办花展。 A flower display is held every year in the Zhongshan Park. (2)v. 展览 各种款式的套装被陈列于橱窗中 Various styles of suits are displayed in the shop windows. Steam (1)n.蒸汽 谁发明的蒸汽机? Who invented steam engine? 他的眼镜蒙上了一层薄薄的水汽。 His glasses were covered with a film of steam. (2) v. 冒蒸汽 The kettle is steaming. 那只茶壶在冒著蒸汽 Profit (1)n.利润 净利 net profit 毛利 Gross profit 他们通过削减成本增加了赢利。 They increased profits by cutting down the cost. 这是一项赢利的投资。 This is a profit-making investment. (2) (U)利益,好处 你将从学习中获得益处 You will get profit from your studies. (3)v. 获益 智者由自己的过失中得到教益 A wise person profits from his mistakes. College 学院 n. 她去年上的大学。 She went to college last year. 他在医学院上学。 He studies at a medical college. text Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different fr


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