Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained.ppt

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Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gained Reading Choose the correct answer to each question. l Why did Blackborow think that being young, fit and energetic would encourage Shackleton to take him on the trip? A Shackleton liked young people who were fit and energetic. B It would be cold and Shackleton would need young, energetic people to do difficult jobs. C Shackleton wanted people who were fit but not trained in useful skills. 1) Blackborow would not have gone unless he was young and energetic. 2 Why did Shackleton accept Perce when he found him hiding in the ship after the voyage had started? A He didnt have time to turn round and take him back to England. B He admired his courage and encouraged him to stay. C He felt angry but could not show it so he accepted die boy. D He made the best of the situation. 3 Why did Shackleton not show how disappointed he was when the ship sank? A He thought he could always organize another expedition. B He knew it would be easier to cross Antarctica without the ship C He felt the men would need encouraging after this disaster. D He had already taken all necessary supplies from the ship Using language Grammar 1. He slept on firewood and straw to remind him of his sufferings. (P1) 【解析】remind提醒,使想起,使记起。 【考查方向】和一些意思相近的动词辨析,考查remind的用法:remind sb of sth/sb;remind sb to do sth;remind sb that…。 【真题再现】 ①In our childhood, we were often _______ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners. (江苏2005) A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped ②What you said just now _______ me of that American professor. (上海2000春) A. mentioned B. informed C. reminded D. memorized 【点拨】①demand要求,需要;remind提醒;allow允许;hope希望。句意:小时候,我们经常被祖母提醒注意餐桌礼仪。首先,能带动词不定式做补足语的只有remind 和allow;其次,根据语境判断,此处应理解为“被提醒要做……”。故选B。 ②本题考查了remind sb of sb(sth)句


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