Unit 2.ppt.Convertor.doc

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sin Throughout the Bible sin is the element in humanity that puts human beings at enmity with God, requiring repentance and Gods forgiveness. Original Sin According to some Christians,?original sin?is the wickedness that all human beings are born with, because the first human beings, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God. The 7 deadly sins Pride Envy Lust Sloth Gluttony Anger Greed About salvation: Salvation, the idea of being saved, as described in various religions. In Christianity, salvation comes from both faith and good works(善举)—leading good life (Ten Commandments). And then God will be with you, blessing you! salvation: the state of having one’s soul saved from sin and its consequences灵魂的拯救 save:set free from the power of or from the eternal punishment for sin。(God save me)救赎 sin:breaking of God’s laws, disobedience to God’s commandments罪恶 revival:series of meetings intended to produce an increase in interest in religion, or to stir up the religious faith among those who have been indifferent, usually by preaching and confession of sins(鼓动性的)福音布道会 lamb: young member of a church flock or Christian congregation fold:body or believers in the Christian religion preach: v. (especially of a priest in a church) give a religious speech 布道;try to persuade people to accept sth;说教、宣扬 The bishop (主教) preached to a crowd of several hundred local people. Preach to sb. About/on/against sth.讲道;preach sth.(to sb.宣扬,教导),preach at/to sb.说教; practise what one preaches身体力行 Preacher传教士 some very hardened sinners had been brought to Christ: some sinners who had shown no signs of shame or repentance had been saved by Christ or had become faithful believers in Christ Hardened: adj. so experienced of sth. Bad or unpleasant that one is not easily affected emotionally 冷酷无情的、改变不了的 e.g. They never believed the boy’s words as they regarded him a hardened liar. Hardened criminal 惯犯 v. become stiff, hard, strong, unyielding, etc. 变硬、变坚强


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