【步步高】2015届高三英语人教新课标(通用)【配套PPT课件】Book 8 Unit 5.ppt

【步步高】2015届高三英语人教新课标(通用)【配套PPT课件】Book 8 Unit 5.ppt

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regardless of cut up 重点掌握的短语 at least at best at most twelve people lost their lives are fed up with I’m really fed up with this weather look up to look down on look out look ahead on for dated→dating is dated→dates dates back to ancient times 完成句子——常用句式自测 If it hadn’t been for the snow If only only to find the guests had left regardless of With Jack waiting for me 重点突破的句式 has been taking doing have been Computers have been selling well this month. I have been looking forward to your gift for a whole year. had lived would never have found were If only I had come here earlier only to find causing great damage 单元语法 have been sitting has been sweeping have been waiting has been collecting hasn’t been teaching 基础知识排查 重点单词突破 重点短语突破 句法与语法突破 语法填空突破 基础知识排查 重点单词突破 重点短语突破 基础知识排查 句法与语法突破 语法填空突破 基础知识排查 重点单词突破 重点短语突破 重点单词突破 句法与语法突破 语法填空突破 重点短语突破 基础知识排查 重点单词突破 重点短语突破 句法与语法突破 语法填空突破 句法与语法突破 基础知识排查 重点单词突破 重点短语突破 句法与语法突破 语法填空突破 基础知识排查 重点单词突破 重点短语突破 句法与语法突破 语法填空突破 语法填空突破 Book 8  Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 英语 人教版 starvation regardless somehow spit  delete accelerate skilful division applaud arrest  alternative alternatively accuracy accurate accurately interrupt interruption assume assumption sharpen sharp analysis analyze significance significant systematic system regardless of  cut up look ahead keep out... show...around fed up with in good condition at most date back be made of just then would have kept them warm If only she had looked had almost reached when only to be scooped up pronounced 语境填词——常用单词自测 alternative accuracy assumption identification preserve specifically analyze significance systematic relief 重点掌握的单词 not working hard and being unsuccessful There is no alternative for us but to take immediate action to stop pollution. We have no alternative in the matter. applause be applauded under for was arrested He was arrested for dangerous driving. 选词填空——常用短语自测 lie in wait



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