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英译汉词汇方面的问题及翻译方法和技巧 词的多义性 一个词能有各种不同的含义,这叫词的多义性。如“Education”,有“教育”、“饲养”、“调驯”等含义。因此在翻译汉语时,必须结合上下文的联系,找出 适当的词义,而不能孤立地、绝对地理解和表达词义。 2.1词的搭配 2.1.1动词与名词的搭配 The earth moves round the sun.旋转 Heat moves from a hotter to a colder body. 传到 Move M to other work. 调 He has moved his furniture into another house. 搬 The ship moved southward. 航行 The procession moved along the road.行进 History moves with the current of the world’s civilization. 前进 Lorries were used to move the troops to the front.运送 The work moves slowly.进展 The bus moves slowly.行驶 The story moved us deeply.感动 A few leaves moved in the wind.飘动 Normally in schools boys move up every year. 升级 2.1.2副词与动词搭配 This plant flowers freely.很多 He allowed his friend to use his house freely.随便 Oil the wheel ;then it will run freely. 顺利地 He gives freely to many organizations that help the poor.慷慨地 She did not mix freely with people.无拘无束地 They talked freely.自由地 2.1.3形容词与名词搭配 He drew a thick line on the paper.粗 The book is 8 inches thick. 厚 Thick liquids pour much more slowly than thin liquids.稠 She has thick hair.浓密的 The conditions are too thick.过分了 I think he is rather thick.笨 He was dead drunk and his speech was thick. 不清楚 They are very thick together.亲密 2.1.4 注意英汉两种语言的习惯用法 You are flattering me. 误译:你吹捧我。正译:过奖了。 I can’t help it . 误译:我不能帮助它。正译:我无能为力。 Leave it to me. 误译:把它留给我。正译:交给我来办吧。 He is coming . 误译:他正在来。正译:他会来的。 It’s up to you to decide. 误译:它由你决定。正译:随你的便。 I’d like to see the back of him. 误译:我希望见到他的后背。 正译:我希望他滚开。 Don’t take advantage of the greenhorn. 误译:不要利用那新手的优点。 正译:不要占用那新手的便宜。 2.2 词义的选择 由于存在词的多义性,因此,译者碰到的第一个问题是如何选择词义。它要求译者透彻了解各词的含义、作用、搭配能力和修辞色彩等等;另一方面,这也给翻译提供了有利条件,使译者可以在许多词义中进行选择,从而能够用最准确、最恰当地语言来表达,并且可使译文丰富、流畅,避免枯燥无味。 词义选择大致可以从词类、上下文联系、专业内容、词的搭配习惯等几个方面着手。 例如: Absorbing power 吸收本领 Adhesive power 内聚力 Candle power 烛光 Chemical power 化学能 Main power 电源 A power of 许多 unit power 一次方 Focal power 焦度 Furnish power 发电 Magnifying power 放大倍数 Power bra


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