2007 senior2 unit4 teaching plan (Ivan).docVIP

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Teaching plan of Unit 4 A Garden of Poems (Designed to the periods) Teaching aims and demands Topic: Talk about English poetry Vocabulary and useful expressions: Poetry, poet, poem, recite, loneliness, sadness, glory, pattern, belong, absence, translate, shade, extraordinary, idiom, stupidity, dust, mood, rue, length, apart, insane, guideline, essay, collection, recommend, contribute, dare, follow, avoid, among , as, worth, call up, belong to, come into being, contribute to, hear of/about, too… to , a number of, at the beginning of. Be supposed to do/be, be well-known for, get through, used to do. Function: Practise expressing intention and decision: I’m interested to… I’m interested but… I think I might want… I want to…. I’d like to,,,, I think it will be too difficult to… I think it will be boring… I hope to find…. I don’t know much about… but…. I never heard of… so…. I’m not interested in…. so…. 4.Grammar: The Past Participle used as Adverbial 过去分词用作状语 Greatly surprised, he couldn’t say a word. When completed, the canal will connect the river with the lake. Coated with sugar, bananas will taste better. Even if invited, I wouldn’t go. He stared at me, astonished. 5. Write about a poem Teaching procedure: Period 1. Step 1.Warming up Brainstorming: Find as many words as the students can find to talk about poets and poetry: Limerick, sonnets, Shakespeare, happiness, vividness, sadness, imagination,etc Following the Step 3 of the warming-up on page 25. pay attention to the rhyme of the limerick: Corfu/Peru/through; Singapore/No 4/door Step 2. Pre-reading Show some pictures of some famous Chinese poets. group work: work out 5 words related to poetry. Step 3. While-reading Scanning: Ss read quickly and do Ex1 on p28: Ss read and get the main ideas of each paragraph. Step 4. After-reading What do the words in bold refer to? Step 5. Assignment surf the internet and get more information about the topic.. Retell the


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