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pack: Don’t forget to pack your toothbrush! He takes a packed lunch to work every day. save: (v.储存,储蓄) We’re trying to save money for a trip to Europe. Europe, I mistook it as the Tower of Pisa, but later I knew that they are different. I hope some day in the future I could have an opportunity to visit the Eiffel Tower. What are the differences between a hope and a dream? A hope is more realistic than a dream. 讲解 1. Here are some of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams, in which thousands of students across China took part . 这里有一些全中国参与这项活动的数千万名学生的愿望和梦想的调查结果。 (1) in which …为非限定性定语从句。 in 与从句中的took part 构成短语 “参加”, in 不能省略。 This is an old house, in which my grandparents lived for nearly 30 years. 这是一所老房子, 我的祖父母在这里已住了将近30年了。 (2) thousands of 表模糊的数字,后接可数名词复数,此类用法还有hundreds of, millions of, billions of 等。 Thousands of years have passed. 2. It seems some students would like to start work as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their parents. 一些学生好象想尽快的参加工作, 以便他们能帮助父母过上更好的生活。 (1) seem “似乎”,与形式主语连用时,后接that从句,that可以省略。 It seems that he is ill. 他好象病了。 其后可以接形容词做表语。 He seems happy today. 他今天似乎很高兴。 其后也可以接动词不定式。 He seems to be very angry. 他似乎很生气。 (2) so that以便,为了 引导目的状语从句,从句中常用will, would, can, could, may, might, be able to, want等词。 He worked hard so that everything would be ready in time. 他努力工作,为的是及时做好各项准备。  3. Many students said they would like to be volunteers at the 2008 Olympics, maybe working as translators or tour guides. 许多学生说他们想要做2008年奥运会的自愿者, 也许做翻译或导游工作。 maybe也许, 可能, 通常放在句首, 也可以放在句尾, 和单词“may”的汉语意思相同, 但是用法不同。May是情态动词, 后接动词原形be, 意为“也许是, 可能是”。 e. g. Maybe he is in the office.= He may be in the office. 4. And quite a few said they dream of going to the moon one day. 有相当多的人说他们梦想着有一天能 到月球上去。 quite a few “相当多的”后接可数名 词复数。  Frank has quite a few fri


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