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Chi Square Test Dealing with categorical dependant variable * So Far: Continuous DV Categorical DV Categorical IV Continuous IV T-test ANOVA Correlation Regression Categorical IV CHI Square Pearson Chi-Square: Frequencies No mean and SD ?2 statistics No assumption of normality Non-parametric test Chi-Square test for goodness of fit 10 30 30 50 Observed Frequencies -Is the frequency of balls with different colors equal in our bag? 25% 25% 25% 25% Expected Frequencies Chi-Square test for goodness of fit 10 30 30 50 Observed Frequencies 25% 25% 25% 25% Expected Frequencies 120 120 Total ? = 30 30 30 30 Expected Frequencies H0 Chi-Square test for goodness of fit 10 30 30 50 Observed Frequencies 30 30 30 30 Expected Frequencies Difference Normalize Chi-Square test for goodness of fit ? 25% 25% 25% 100 Total Fixed = 25% Chi-Square test for goodness of fit Critical value = 7.81 26.6 ?2(3,n=120) = 26.66, p 0.001 Chi-Square test for Goodness of fit Chi-Square test for goodness of fit is like one sample t-test You can test your sample against any possible expected values 25% 25% 25% 25% 70% 10% 10% 10% H0 H0 Chi-Square test for independence When we have tow or more sets of categorical data (IV,DV both categorical) 40 35 60 50 15 10 Male Female None Obama McCain 95 115 25 110 75 210 FO Chi-Square test for independence Also called contingency table analysis H0: There is no relation between gender and voting preference (like correlation) OR H0: There is no difference between the voting preference of males and females (like t-test) The logic is the same as the goodness of fit test: Comparing observed freq and Expected freq if the two variables were independent Chi-Square test for independence 40 35 60 50 15 10 Male Female None Obama McCain 95 115 25 110 75 210 FO Male Female None Obama McCain 12% 52% 36% 100% FE Chi-Square test for independence In case of independence: 36% 36% 52% 52% 12% 12% Male Female None Obama McCain 12% 52% 36% 100% F


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