
Coaching Skills University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee执教技能威斯康星大学密尔沃基.ppt

Coaching Skills University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee执教技能威斯康星大学密尔沃基.ppt

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Learning to Lead Effectively Laura Maly Astrid Fossum Pandora Bedford Cynthia Cuellar Rodriguez Learning Intention We are learning to internalize Fullan’s components for leadership in order to achieve desired results. We are learning to practice the coaching skill of paraphrasing in order to be more effective leaders. Success Criteria We will know we are successful when we are able to identify Fullan’s components throughout our work as MTLs and paraphrase our colleagues’ big ideas. Why Coach? To support the teacher’s idea production, instructional decision-making, and ability to reflect on practice. To increase the ability of the teacher to self-coach and become a self-directed learner. Lipton Wellman Coaching Cues Approachable voice Attending fully Maintaining eye contact Using the pronoun “you” Plural forms Exploratory language Positive presuppositions Lipton Wellman Coaching Caution The coaching stance assumes that the other party has resources for idea generation. If this is not the case, pursuing this stance can lead to frustration on the part of teachers. You cannot coach out of someone what is not in them. Lipton Wellman Why Paraphrase? The purposeful use of paraphrase signals our full attention. It communicates that we understand the teacher’s thoughts, concerns, questions and ideas; or that we are trying to. Well-crafted paraphrases align the speaker and responder, establishing understanding and communicating regard. Lipton Wellman Paraphrasing Review Acknowledge and Clarify Summarize and Organize Shifting Level of Abstraction Shifting Up Shifting Down Examples As you reflect on the Learning Intentions you have written, you are having a hard time delineating the difference between objectives in the book and your Learning Intentions. So you really value writing the best Learning Intentions possible. Learning Focused Conversation Form Triads and assign initial roles: Speaker shares his/her scenario links with Fullan’s Framework Coach paraphrase


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