
CoCloRep A DSL for Code Clonescoclorep DSL代码克隆了for.ppt

CoCloRep A DSL for Code Clonescoclorep DSL代码克隆了for.ppt

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Jeff Gray “Shiny New Languages” for AOM? MODELS 2007 Panel The Future of Aspect Modeling: Will MDE Absorb it? Robert Floyd – “The Paradigms of Programming*” “To the designer of modeling languages, I say: Unless you can support the paradigms I use when I model, or at least support my extending your language into one that does support my modeling methods, I don’t need your shiny new languages… To persuade me of the merit of your language, you must show me how to construct models in it.” 1978 Turing Award Lecture *Original focus on programming; quote modified to modeling. Case Study: Solved with Aspect-Oriented Modeling Crosscutting Constraints in Real-Time/Embedded Models IEEE Computer, February 2006 “Doesn’t it just involve a specific kind of modeling?” Elaborationists versus Translationists* Some view AOM as just a bunch of notations with little or no tool support AOM as a noun Often interested in traceability concerns to code Opinion: Majority view Others view AOM as a means toward improving the modeling process itself, with model weavers integrated into a modeling tool View aspect modeling as a form of model transformation AOM as a verb Opinion: Offers best opportunities for AOM different meanings to the term *A summary of these views is presented in (Cottenier et al., MODELS AOM Workshop, 2006). Current AOM Focus Tilted toward General-Purpose Languages After 6 years and 11 AOM Workshops Growth (depth) and application (breadth) unimpressive Most papers describe a general-purpose aspect language for a general-purpose modeling language Number of papers specific to UML and general-purpose descriptions at last four AOM workshops 2006-AOSD: 8 of 8 2006-MODELS: 7 of 10 2007-AOSD: 7 of 8 2007-MODELS: 6 of 7 See: / Expanding the purview of AOM * Domain-Specific General-Purpose Aspect Modeling Language DSAML GPAML Base Modeling Language DSML GPML At the code level, DSALs are gaining more interest (original focus of AOP) Very little inves



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