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绯闻女孩第五季第15集 Gossip Girl Season 5 Episode15八卦天后在此Gossip girl here--这是你了解曼哈顿名流们your one and only source绯闻的唯一渠道into the scandalous lives of Manhattans elite.这是我外孙女查莉·罗兹This is my granddaughter, Charlie Rhodes.现在已经没人能伤到我了No one can touch me anymore.我现在是罗兹家的人Im a Rhodes now.夏洛特·罗兹Charlotte Rhodes?我和我丈夫以前去找我们外甥女的时候My husband and I were looking for my niece发现你和她同名记得吗with the same name, remember?找到她了吗Did you ever find her?她和妈妈在一起She was with her mother.如果他们有天发现了关于If they ever found out the truth真正夏洛特·罗兹的真相about the real Charlotte Rhodes,他们永远不会原谅我they would never forgive me.我今晚就走Im leaving tonight.这一次我不会再回来了This time, Im not coming back.跟我调情还得当搬运工You must be pretty desperate to flirt with me是不是挺让人抓狂的by doing manual labor.这可不是什么调情This isnt flirting.我一直都想体验给餐车装载货物Ive always wanted to load a catering van.我爱你丹·汉弗瑞I love you, Dan Humphrey.从前是将来也是Always have. Always will.你抓住机会成为她唯一的救世主You saw the chance to be her only savior,成为她穿着闪亮铠甲的骑士her knight in shining armor.你到底是因为布莱尔的事生气Are you really mad about Blair,还是因为我们的事or is this about us.因为我还没有给你回复Because I havent given you an answer yet?你已经给了You just did.我当然爱你恰克Of course I love you, Chuck.我一直都爱你Ive always loved you.我知道是谁发给八卦天后I know who sent the video那段布莱尔和恰克的录像of Blair and Chuck to Gossip girl in the first place.我不入地狱谁入地狱Its a dirty job, but someones gotta do it.我们之间除了一张婚约再无其他There is nothing between us but a contract.我们的婚姻只是逢场作戏而已Our marriage is all for show.你和你的家人就得为后果买单You and your family will quite literally pay the consequence,难道你忘了嫁妆吗Or did you forget about the dowry?你的家庭控制不了我家Your family cannot control mine.不他们可以Yes, they can.我不要为了救我I dont believe in saving myself而破坏我们的家庭and ruining our family at the same time.上东区又一个完美的情人节到了Another picture-perfect Valentines Day on the upper east side,我将会如何庆祝呢and how am I going to celebrate?揭开一个多少会让几颗心受到伤害的By exposing a giant secret today惊天大秘密thats sure to break more than a few hearts.把这些东西放在那里就行了谢谢You can just drop those right there. Thank you.布莱尔小姐你回来了Miss Blair! Youre back!我还担心你会被关在巨型石塔里O


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