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绯闻女孩第五季第5集 Gossip Girl Season5 Episode 5八卦天后在此Gossip girl here--这是你了解曼哈顿名流们your one and only source绯闻的唯一渠道into the scandalous lives of Manhattans elite.我找艾薇·迪肯斯Im looking for an Ivy Dickens.#NAME?#NAME?我也猜到了I figured as much.瑟琳娜的姨妈卡萝·瑞德Serenas aunt, Carol Rhodes,雇我假冒她的女儿查莉paid me to impersonate her daughter Charlie.这些人一旦发现你不是他们的家人When these people realize youre not one of them,会让你死得很惨Theyre gonna destroy you.你想要什么What do you want?我想要把你介绍给你的新同事I wanna introduce you to your new colleague.如果他们和你真的是好朋友If theyre really your friends,会为你的成功而高兴的Theyll be happy to see your star rise届时大家就会知道无名氏when everybody learns其实就是丹·汉弗瑞that Anonymous Is actually Daniel Helphrey.以你们为原型写的你们所有人And it is based on you, sort of, all of you.你能相信他是怎么写我的吗Can you believe what he wrote about me?据我的经验大家都喜欢反派角色I can tell you from experience everyone loves a villain.我放弃了事业来抚养你们成人从来没后悔过I gave up my career to raise you and I never regretted it直到看到你书里写了对我真正的看法until I read what you really think about me.个人认为他把你和艾瑞克合二为一Personally, I thought youd be more annoyed应该会让你十分恼火at being conflated with Eric.内特他...Nate is...狂怒中对我也一样Furious? Yeah, because I am.我更生气他居然写我和他上床了And Im more furious! He wrote that we had sex!我想要这本书的电影版权你得帮我弄到I want this book, and youre going to get it for me.所以不管你对丹·汉弗瑞做了什么自己搞定So whatever you did to Dan Humphrey, undo it.在上东区On the upper east side,仅仅靠你说出的话是无法决定你是谁的Its not what you say that determines who you are.但是行动可以Its what you do...希望他们能顺利接受I hope they take it well. Nothing matters more than孩子能在温馨的大家庭中成长比什么都重要our child being born into a big, happy family.准备好了吗Are you ready?无论是你要宣布一项重要事情Whether youre making a big announcement...还是想要谈成一笔生意or trying to close a deal...简Hey, Jane.你拿到丹那本书的电影改编权了吗Did you lock up the film option for Dans book yet?抱歉我刚刚才读完它No, I just finished reading it, unfortunately.用不用我提醒你这是你弥补Need I remind you, this is your chance to make up上次弄砸的丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯那笔生意的机会for blowing the Daniel Day-Lewis deal?完全不用No reminder necessary.我马上行动Im on it.或是你要打响第一炮or firing the first shot.网站将


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