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Unit 3 Working Smart Laura: Hi, Frankie. What are you doing? Frankie: Homework. Laura: Need any help? Frankie: Uh, yeah. Can you show me how to use this math program? Laura: Sure?Just type the numbers in column 1.i Frankie: OK. Do I have to hit 搑eturn? Laura: Right. You have to hit 搑eturn?after each number. OK, oops 卌areful ?do it carefully. Good! Frankie: Cool. OK, now how do I add them? Laura: Next, you need to highlight the numbers 卆nd now you have to click on 揳dd?car Frankie: And that’s the answer? Laura: That’s it. Pretty cool, huh? Frankie: Wow. That’s easy. You don’t have to think. I love it! Laura: Yeah, computers are great ?but, you have to learn how to add numbers the real way.y Frankie: The real way? This is the real way. Laura: Well, you know what I mean. You have to learn how to add without a computer. Frankie: Why do I have to learn that? Laura: That’s a good question. It’s important. Frankie: But why? Laura: Believe it or not, Frankie, you won’t always have a computer with you when you need to add something. Frankie: Why not? Unit 4 Feeling Down Doctor: Hi, Emi. You don’t look so good today. Emi: I know. I feel terrible. Doctor: You have a fever. Emi: I know. I have a cold. Doctor: Gesundheit! Emi: What does that mean? Doctor: Oh, it’s German. It means 揋ood health? People say it when someone sneezes. w Emi: Thank you. Doctor: OK, open up ?Say 揳hh?? Pe Emi: Ahh. Doctor: Does this hurt? Emi: Yes. Doctor: You need some medication. Emi: What kind of medication do I need? Doctor: You have a sinus infection, so I’m giving you some Azithromycin. Emi: Azithro-what? What’s that? Doctor: It’s an antibiotic. You need to take it for five days. Emi: What do I do with this? Doctor: That’s the prescription. Take it to the pharmacy, and they’ll fill it for you. Emi: Thank you. Doctor: Oh, and I know you’re busy, but you need to take it easy for a few days, OK? Emi: I


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