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Lesson 96 The dead return 亡灵返乡 【New words and expressions】(3) festival n. 节日 lantern n. 灯笼 spectacle n. 景象,壮观,场面 一.單詞講解: ★ festival (1) n. 节日、喜慶 the Mid-Autumn Festival 今夜中秋 the Spring Festival 春節 Independence Day . 在獨立紀念日舉辦慶祝會……節 eg:Our school holds a musical festival every year. 我們學校每年舉辦音樂節。 ★ lantern (1) n. 灯笼、手提燈 light a lantern 點亮燈籠 ; a Chinese lantern 中國燈籠 the Lantern Festival 元宵節 (2) 天窗 ★ spectacle (1) n. 景象 a fine spectacle 絕佳的景象 ←→哀傷的景象 (2)壮观,壮观场面、奇觀 eg:The sunrise I saw from the top of Mt.Tai was a tremendous spectacle . 從山上居高遠望,日出景象蔚為奇觀. 出洋相;當場出醜 人前{ひとまえ}で恥をさらす、失態{しったい}を演じるKey structures: Exercise 1. 選擇正確的詞填空: He came to see me yesterday as (usually, usual) . There was no one I knew(between , among ) those present . The(headmaster , manager) of this store is kept very busy . Children’s (cloth , clothes) are difficult to choose . He never(greets , salutes) anyone in the morning . Your hands are not very(clean , clear) , are they ? Mary’s in the kitchen , she’s(washing , washing up) the plates . This problem is(enough , too) difficult for me . He us(enough , fairly ) good at his work. He is trying hard but his work is still not good (enough , fairly) . Young people should remain (free , single) for a few years before they marry . There was a long(row , queue) at the bus stop . Exercise 2. 用into , in , after , out of , down , up , away , for , over , from ,選詞填空,完成下列句子 His lies would not take in anybody but a fool . take in欺騙 run out of ?用完 get over ?[?get ??uv?] 從(疾病等)中恢複;克服,解決;講清楚 keep away ?避開, harbor . made for ? v. 向 ... 前進, 向 ... 沖擊, 有助於, 有利於run in ?n. 試車, 飛機向目標的飛行, 插入部分, 爭論, 順便訪問 ’t get out . get out ?離開,退出,逃脫;泄露;生產,出版 ’t have time to take down what he said . take down ? 拆,拆卸;記下,寫下 ran after ?v. 追趕(追求) ’t seen him for years and I accidentally ran across / into him in the street this morning . ran across ?/ into (碰見, 偶然遇到) take over ?[?teik??uv?] 接收,接管;承襲,借用 envelope? make out ? 看出,辨認出;理解,了解;寫出


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