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Resource utilization and environmental protection 资源利用与环境保护 Don’t let the earth burst into tears again 别让地球再度痛哭 Throughout history, we human have changed our physical environment rapidly so as to improve our way and quality of life. Indeed, we can’t deny many benefits it brings to us, but we can’t never ever ignore the severe consequences. 纵观人类的历史,我们人类已经为了改善我们生活的方式和质量去急剧的改造了我们的环境。的确,我们不能够否认这样做所来给我们的好处,但是,我们也绝对不能忽略会带来的严重后果。 We have transformed woodlands and prairies into farms to grow food, destroying the habitats of many kinds of animals. We have built thousands of factories and hydroelectric power to satisfy our living requirement, but also created lots of “black river” and “dark sky” for the earth. We have drained marshes and cut through mountains to build roads and railways, keeping modifying the face of the earth. 我们把茂密的森林和辽阔的草原通通转变成了田地来种植粮食,同时也在肆意的破坏着其他动物的栖息地。我们建起了大量的工厂和水力发电站来满足我们的生活需求,却又制造出大量的‘黑色的河流’和‘暗沉的天空’。我们吸干了沼泽地的水分,掏空了大山的心脏只是为了建造公路和铁路,不断地为地球“整容”,面目全非。 Due to the inappropriate way of exploitation and lack of awareness of protection, we have wasted too much valuable resources to construct our country, such as rare earth in China, paper, plastic, glass and other fossil sources. 由于不恰当的开发方式和保护意识的缺乏,我们在建设城市的过程中已经浪费了太多珍贵的资源,例如我们中国的稀土资源,平常的纸张、塑料、玻璃和其他的化石资源。 Now the earth is in the bad condition and we come to realize how urgent for everyone to take quick actions. It’s the high time for each one of us to be good stewards of our planet to preserve our common home. Then, there’re several suggestions to better protect our home. 现在地球已经处于极不健康的状态,我们也渐渐认识到了每个人都要快速开始行动的紧急性。对于每一个人来说,是时候要成为我们这个星球上好的“管家”来维护我们共同的家园。接下来,有以下建议去更好保护我们的家园。 Actions taken by authorities 政府可以采取的行动 There’s no doubt that governments should play an essential role in protecting our earth by making some strategies. 毫无疑问的,政府应该通过制定一些策略在保护地球中担当起重要的角色 First of all, governments are supported to raise technical equipment and increase technology content to efficiently utilize natural


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